Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Managing for the Future Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4750 words

Managing for the Future - Essay Example One of the main objectives of the company is to promote healthy food for the betterment of the society and community (Kellogg’s, â€Å"Our Commitment to Nutrition Education†). Kellogg’s cereal is manufactured in more than 20 countries and is marketed in more than 180 countries of the world (Kellogg’s, â€Å"Our Location†). Kellogg’s was formed by W.K. Kellogg’s in the year 1906. Kellogg’s maintains a diverse workforce and believes in promoting a healthy work environment for successful completion and attainment of goals (Kellogg’s, 2013d). The company has been offered several awards for delivering excellent performance and high quality products like the â€Å"Top 50 Company for Diversity from Diversity Inc and â€Å"100 Best Places to Work† from Computer World (Kellogg’s â€Å"Diversity & Inclusion†). Although, the brand has been successful in marketing cereals of varied flavours the company earns maj ority of its revenue from its core product which is the plain flavoured cereal (Kellogg’s, â€Å"Heritage†). 1 Historical Performance Environmental degradation has become a growing concern for the society, government and community. The major cause of environmental degradation has occurred due to the impact of the business activities and process. The major alterations in the biodiversity have interacted in the most complex ways within the environment. The environmental issues in developing and developed countries have propelled the demand for restructuring the environmental reform. The environmental issues have compelled the government of various nations to develop knowledge of environmental imperatives, regulations and rules. The government of varied nations is trying to manage the situational crisis by implementing measures for environment protection. Environment protection measures developed by the government have helped in creating awareness about environment and so cietal protection. The basic and fundamental problems of environmental degradation would be solved with the assistance of the multinational corporations. The assistance from multinational corporations is required for reducing the carbon emissions, toxic elements, hazardous waste, etc. The government of varied nations has implemented several measures and guidelines for the corporate organizations to abide by. 1(a) The different types of environmental protection measures developed by Kellogg’s during the tenure 2007 to 2013 are as follows: Year Environmental issues & Sustainability Technology 2007 The company implemented a global energy management program which promotes energy conservation, manage energy usage and develops energy saving opportunity by including alternatives like renewable energy and fuel. The management for the product focused on packaging efficiency by serving products which are fresh for consumption process. The main focus of the company was improving its pac kaging process by developing efficient packaging system which focuses on reducing the linear weight and paper board quantity in manufacturing products (Kellogg’s, â€Å"Annual Report 2007†). 2008 The company developed the Kellogg Environmental System (KEMS) which ensures the improvement in environmental aspects by conforming to the environmental policy. Three environmental programs of Kellogg’s have obtained ISO 14001 certification which signifies its efficiency to comply with environmental standards. The company focused on efficient use of

Monday, October 28, 2019

Breast Cancer Essay Example for Free

Breast Cancer Essay Is it true that wearing ‘underwired’ brassieres bring about cancer? Can breast cancer be treated? Are there signs and symptoms that individuals can check to know if breast cancer really occurs in them? These are just some of the essential questions that this paper will attempt to answer. It will also attain to reintroduce breast cancer’s definition, history of recovery, signs and causes, statistical information, diagnosis, breast cancer myths, risk factors, as well as, treatment. Definition   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A 34-year-old woman, named Susan has been told by the family doctor that she has a breast cancer. When she asked about it, the doctor initially explained it as â€Å"a type of cancer that forms in tissues of the breasts, typically in the ducts or the areas where milk goes through till it reaches the nipple, as well as, the lobules or the glands which produces milk† (National.. n.p.). History of Discovery The doctor also told Susan that the aforementioned disease has been observed in Egypt way back in approximately 1600 BC (Wikipedia n.p.). Back then he stated that, â€Å"tumors of the breasts were addressed or treated by cauterization through an instrument they technically refer to as the fire drill though they openly admitted that there is no cure for such† (Wikipedia n.p.). The doctor also added that, centuries later experts found â€Å"a relationship between the lymph nodes found in the armpits and cancer of the breast, in fact, Jean Louis Petit and Benjamin Bell were the first ones to get rid of the lymph nodes, breast tissue, as well as, a primary muscle in the chest† (Wikipedia n.p.). The doctor, to make Susan stay calm, mentioned that such surgery has been very successful thus it was also done by William Halsted during the next century or 1882 to be exact, in fact, until the 1970’s, this procedure remained to be the most successful surgical procedure to address the aforementioned condition (Wikipedia n.p.). Signs and Symptoms   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Since Susan was complaining about the physical changes in her body that she observed prior to be being diagnosed as having breast cancer, the doctor also told her that the signs and symptoms of breast cancer include the following: First of all, if there is a lump in the breast then there is a possibility that a person has breast cancer (Mayo.. n.p.). Second, there is also a probability that breast cancer may occur if the nipple/s of an individual discharges blood and has a lump that goes along with it (Mayo.. n.p.). Third, there may be an occurrence of breast cancer if there exist a â€Å"retraction, flattening, or indentation of the nipple† (Mayo.. n.p.). Fourth, if the size of the breast and its contours changes, then it is possible that breast cancer is in existence (Mayo.. n.p.). Last but not least, redness of the skin on the breast area may signify breast cancer as well (Mayo.. n.p.). Upon hearing the aforementioned, Susan remembers that she mainly complained about sign symptoms number one in the right breast, something she has been complaining about for about 16 months. Statistical Information   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Susan has been feeling weird and a little scared and so she decided to look into medical and health magazines, internet sites, as well as, books to check if she is going to make it or not, if she’s going to die etcetera and here’s a statistical information that she stumbled upon: 1) â€Å"Deaths brought about by breast cancer already reached forty thousand four hundred sixty (40,460) for females and four hundred fifty for the males (450)† (National.. n.p.); 2) â€Å"Unfortunately, there are new cases reported as well, there are one hundred seventy eight thousand four hundred eighty (178, 480) females and two thousand and thirty (2,030) males now who currently have breast cancer† (National.. n.p.). And the aforementioned is in the United States only (National.. n.p.); 3) â€Å"In the United Kingdom, on the other hand, twelve thousand four hundred (12,400) individuals or more die each year because of breast cancer† (National.. n.p.). In fact, in 2003 alone, there were forty three thousand and seven hundred fifty six women and there were three hundred thirty five (335) men who were diagnosed and reported to have breast cancer (National.. n.p.). Diagnosis   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   During that time, Susan was also in denial that is why she researched on her own. She found out that: Breast cancer may be diagnosed through the following: 1) breast self-examination; 2) clinical breast exam; 3) mammogram including screening mammograms, diagnostic mammograms; 4) computer-aided detection; 5) digital mammography; 6) magnetic resonance imaging; 7) â€Å"ultrasonography†; 8) ductal lavage; 9) molecular breast imaging; 10) diagnostic procedures like ultrasound; 11) biopsy including fine-needle aspiration biopsy, core-needle biopsy, stereotactic biopsy, wire localization, surgical biopsy; 12) estrogen and progesterone receptor tests; 13) staging tests; and 14) genetic tests (Mayo.. n.p.).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   During this time, she was already prepared to believe that she really does not have breast cancer because she had a mammogram performed in March 1989 and again in February 1999, wherein, the results both showed that it is normal. Although, she had to try to accept it or at least entertain that it might be true when an ultrasound was also carried out where it was detected that a fibrocystic lump exists and that it was benign. Breast Cancer Myths After the detection of the fibrocystic lump, Susan began to reflect on her way of life, what could have caused the lump to exist inside of her body†¦she actually thought that it may be because of her use of deodorants, ‘underwired’ brassieres, stress from work, as well as, injury to the breasts which she got from playing basketball when she was in college and still a part of a varsity team. It is not very surprising that Susan thought of those as the primary reasons for the lump since there are so many myths that are related to breast cancer and some of the most popular ones are the following: First of all, some individuals claim that deodorants bring about breast cancer, however, currently, no studies have been carried out yet that may confirm or deny such belief of some people (Breast.. n.p.).   Second, some people think that wearing ‘underwired’ brassieres bring about cancer (Breast.. n.p.). Just like the first myth though, no evidence have been found to conclude such a statement (Breast.. n.p.). Third, there are individuals who think that stress can bring about breast cancer, however, research studies have not yet been able to establish an extremely clear link to conclude that such is really possible (Breast.. n.p.). Fourth, there are people who claim that â€Å"living near electricity pylons cause breast cancer† but no evidences have been presented ever since that breast cancer may be associated to electricity pylons (Breast.. n.p.).    Fifth, some individuals say that an injury to the breast augments the probability that breast cancer may occur (Breast.. n.p.). However, no evidences have been presented to back up such claim (Breast.. n.p.). Sixth, people claim that females who are young are more likely to be detected with breast cancer (Breast.. n.p.). Well, statistical information denies this, in fact, eighty percent of all the cases in the UK occur in females who are already fifty years old and above (Breast.. n.p.). Seventh, there are individuals who believe that if a person feels pain or discomfort in his or her breasts, then it is already safe to say that an individual is suffering from breast cancer (Breast.. n.p.). However, experts explain that there are so many reasons why breasts may be painful, for instance, this may be related to the menstrual cycle (Breast.. n.p.). Eighth, some people say that getting pregnant increases the probability of suffering from breast cancer later (Breast.. n.p.). On the contrary, experts have found evidence linking early pregnancy to breast cancer risk being reduced (Breast.. n.p.). They also reiterated that the more babies a woman gives birth to then the lower the risk of getting such cancer (Breast.. n.p.). In light of the detection of the lump, instead of getting more focused with the myths, Susan should have gotten a second opinion. If in case she did that, and the biopsy results will show that an â€Å"infiltrating lobular carcinoma† already exists and that it is already in stage IIa then a more extensive treatment would be provided to her. Risk Factors   Ã‚   The aforementioned are really just myths, they were never provided with evidences to establish that those are really linked with breast cancer. Susan was told by her doctor that the main risk factors for breast cancer, actually, include the following: 1) age; 2) age of menarche; 3) age at birth of first-born child; 4) biopsies of the breast; 5) family history; 6) occupation; 7) race; 8) hormone replacement therapy, as well as, 9) alcohol (Hales 105). Susan is only thirty four years old, never had any children, used to engage herself in binge drinking during college, and an aunt of hers had breast cancer years ago. As we can see, most of the risk factors are present in Susan’s case. Treatment            According to the experts Susan spoke to, â€Å"Breast cancer may be annihilated and for that to occur: 1) either lumpectomy or mastectomy should be carried out; 2) radiation may also be helpful; 3) drugs like taxol, taxotere, and herceptin may be taken; 4) chemotherapy; as well as, 5) hormonal therapy may be undergone by the patient† (Hales 105). Because her treatment options have been clearly explained to her, she decided to have a â€Å"right modified radical mastectomy† following a reconstruction immediately (Hales 105). During the surgery â€Å"eight lymph nodes were annihilated and the biopsy gave out a negative result† (Hales 105). After which Susan underwent chemotherapy as part of her post-surgical treatment which made her experience side effects including loss of hair and anorexia (Hales 105). Last but not least, she was also made to take in drugs named Cytoxan and prednisone (Hales 105). References       Breast Cancer Care. Statistics and Facts About Breast Cancer. 2004. Cancer Research, UK. 15 June 2007 Hales, D. An Invitation to Health, Eleventh Edition. Boston: Thomson Wadsworth, 2005. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. Breast Cancer.   29 December 2006. n.a.. 15 June 2007. National Cancer Institute. Breast Cancer. n.d. n.a. 15 June 2007   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ Wikipedia. Breast Cancer. 14 June 2007. Wikimedia Foundation Inc., 15 June 2007.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Essay on The Holy Bible - Character of God Exposed in the Book of Job

True Character of God Exposed in the Book of Job  Ã‚      The Book of Job offers many complex and abstract ideas. It can also be looked at in a simple fashion, taking it as a folk tale trying to explain the unexplainable forces of fate and chance. The story is often interpreted as another strange episode of the Almighty Yahweh requiring blind faith in the midst of overwhelming and sadistic trials. A picture is painted, at first glance, of a cruel and uncaring God who is most interested in His wager with Satan on the reliability of His faithful follower Job. The ending is often overlooked in the larger picture. The trial that he suffers is for his betterment, and like the aborted sacrifice of Isaac by Abraham, it reveals the true character of God.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The first chapter tells us that Job was very conscientious in his worship, even being recognized as à «the greatest man in the Eastà ­ (Job 1:3). It is apparent that Satan recognized this, asking for permission to assault Job straightway. After the initial test in the destruction of his child...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Gus germs and steel Essay -- English Literature

Gus germs and steel 1. Yali asks Diamond, â€Å"Why is it that you white people developed sp much cargo and brought it to New Guinea, but we black people had little cargo of our own.† 2. Jared Diamond’s thesis seems to be that external factors such as geography can affect the fate of human societies. In other words, what separates the winners from the losers is geography. Chapter 1 1. â€Å"The Great Leap Forward† is when human history developed about 50,000 years ago. 2. The giant moas in New Zealand and the giant lemurs in Madagascar were exterminated by humans. 3. 15,000 years ago the American West looked like Africa’s Serengeti Plains. It was filled with elephants, giraffes, zebras, and other African animals. All of these animals living in the American West were either killed off by Clovis hunters or died due to drought. 4. All of the giant animals residing in Africa were able to survive because there were no extreme weather conditions and there were not nearly as many deadly hunters in Africa as there were in America. Chapter 3 1. Pizzaro’s capture of Atahuallpa â€Å"offers a broad window onto modern history† because it has happened many times since then. 2. Technology, or the guns and the steel, was used in exterminating the Incas. The germs that the Spaniards brought over on their horses produced small pox. 3. Diamond refers to the battle at Cajamarca a collision because two of the greatest empires â€Å"collided† in a huge fight. Chapter 4 1. Societies with successful food production would grow because there was enough food for everyone. The greatest food producers became the world conquerors because they were a big society with big ideas for technology. 2. The development of diseas... ...teel, I would have to say that the most decisive factor would be the germs. A good example is Smallpox; the virus alone killed more people than either guns or steel. 4. The East lost its enormous lead to the West (Europe) because Europe developed a merchant system, capitalism, and patent protection for invertors. Europe also did not have a dictatorship like China, so inventors in Europe were worry free. 5. China lost its technological lead to Europe because they were a dictatorship and had high taxations. 6. China’s connectedness became a disadvantage for them because their fertile crescent had no other geographical advantages other than domesticating wild plants and animals. China also had an absolute despot that was controlling the country. 7. The histories of the Fertile Crescent and China hold important lessons for the modern world including.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Creating an Inviting Classroom Environment Essay

In this fastback, the authors make two major contentions in their introduction to this pamphlet. The first is that how a school looks does affect how everyone who goes there feels about it- and what goes on inside it. Furthermore, the authors assert that, while circumstances usually prohibit teachers from changing the entire school, they can and should make a difference in their own classrooms. In this review I will be addressing these two major premises (Jones 8). I totally agree with the authors that the way a school looks affects people’s perception of the school as well as what goes on in it. Blackford High School is a perfect example to support this theory. BHS is and always has been well maintained and groomed. When I first interviewed for employment here ten years ago, I asked the principal if the school was relatively new I was shocked when he told me that the school was in fact 21 years old. I feel that when people drive by our school they get a good impression of it. Additionally, I am very proud of our facility when I have personal or professional guests at school. (Brown 69). I also agree with the authors that this precept also hold true for individual classrooms Harrison and Bullock gave examples of two contrasting classes to prove that an inviting environment and housekeeping are critical to student achievement/performance. One classroom was cluttered, outdated, and impersonal- an uninviting dump. The other classroom was neat, orderly, yet warm, inviting, comfortable, and user-friendly. I agree with the authors that the second classroom was the ideal and the one that is more conducive to student learning. Furthermore I agree with the reasons to focus on environment that they have identified (psychologically positive, quality lighting, noise, etc. ) However I strongly disagree with them when they contend facility size and age are not factors when creating an environment pleasant classroom. After surveying students, teachers, and parents as to what they thought was important to a classroom environment (furniture, aesthetics, comfort, instructional items, and professional items. ) Finally they made recommendations as how best to use these categorical items to create the ideal classroom. It is these suggestions and the implication that I can incorporate them that I have a problem with. Size IS a factor. My room is crammed with the â€Å"essentials† of school operation. In my room you will find a teacher desk, 33 student desks, one teacher computer station, one small book case which holds my personal professional books as well as paperbacks for students, a raised platform and podium for speech performances, a radio soundboard cart and an additional small table with a boom box for radio classes and one small teacher work table. I don’t have any room. I can stand at the front edge of my desk and touch the first row of student desks (I don’t even have to reach). The students in the back row can turn around and touch the back wall of the room. Much to my dismay, I am not going to be afforded additional space in which to conduct speech and radio classes. Furthermore, I am not going to be given individual classroom temperature controls or a phone. It is a fact that I come to accept. I would LOVE to have, as suggested, tables and desks, a comfort space for reading, student storage space, and any number of the other items they suggested. However, it will not happen at Blackford High School.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Conversation Lesson About the Equality of lMen and Women

Conversation Lesson About the Equality of lMen and Women Debates in class can help English learners practice a wide range of functions including agreeing and disagreeing, negotiating, collaboration with other students, and so on. Often students need help with ideas and thats where this lesson plan can help. Below you will find cues to the discussion concerning equality between men and women to help get students discussing issues related to the debate. Provide ample time for the discussion and then time the debate. This will help encourage precise language use. This debate can easily be carried out between the men and women in the class, or those who believe the statement is true and those who do not. Another variation is based on the idea that having students support opinions that are not necessarily their own during debates can help improve students fluency. In this manner, students pragmatically focus on correct production skills in conversation rather than striving to win the argument. For more information on this approach please see the following feature: Teaching Conversational Skills: Tips and Strategies. Aim Improve conversational skills when supporting a point of view Activity Debate about the question of whether men and women are truly equal. Level Upper-intermediate to advanced Outline Review language used when expressing opinions, disagreeing, making comments on other persons point of view, etc.Write a few ideas on the board to encourage discussion of the equality between men and women: the workplace, the home, government, etc.Ask students if they feel that women are truly equal to men in these various roles and places.Based on students responses, divide groups up into two groups. One group arguing that equality has been achieved for women and one that feels that women have not yet attained true equality to men. Idea: Put students into the group with the opposite opinion of what they seemed to believe in the warm-up conversation.Give students worksheets including ideas pro and con. Have students develop arguments using the ideas on the worksheet as a springboard for further ideas and discussion.Once students have prepared their opening arguments, begin with the debate. Each team has 5 minutes to present their principal ideas.Have students prepare notes and make a rebuttal to the expressed opinions. While the debate is in progress, take notes on common errors made by the students.At the end of the debate, take time for a short focus on common mistakes. This is important, as students should not be too involved emotionally and therefore will be quite capable of recognizing language problems - as opposed to problems in beliefs! Men and Women: Equal at Last? You are going to debate whether women are finally truly equal to men. Use the clues and ideas below to help you create an argument for your appointed point of view with your team members. Below you will find phrases and language helpful in expressing opinions, offering explanations and disagreeing. Opinions, Preferences I think..., In my opinion..., Id like to..., Id rather..., Id prefer..., The way I see it..., As far as Im concerned..., If it were up to me..., I suppose..., I suspect that..., Im pretty sure that..., It is fairly certain that..., Im convinced that..., I honestly feel that, I strongly believe that..., Without a doubt,..., Disagreeing I dont think that..., Dont you think it would be better..., I dont agree, Id prefer..., Shouldnt we consider..., But what about..., Im afraid I dont agree..., Frankly, I doubt if..., Lets face it, The truth of the matter is..., The problem with your point of view is that... Giving Reasons and Offering Explanations To start with, The reason why..., Thats why..., For this reason..., Thats the reason why..., Many people think...., Considering..., Allowing for the fact that..., When you consider that... Yes, Women Are Now Equal to Men Many governments have both male and female representatives.Many companies are now owned or managed by women.A lot of progress has been made since the 1960s.Television series now portray women as successful career makers.Men now share in the raising of children and household responsibilities.Many important laws have been passed to ensure equality in the workplace.In many places, a married couple can choose whether the man or the women takes leave from work to look after the newly arrived baby.People arent discussing equality anymore. It has become a reality.Have you ever heard of Margaret Thatcher? Excuse Me? Women Still Have a Long Way to Go Before They Are Equal to Men Women still earn less than men in many work situations.Women are still portrayed in a superficial manner in many television shows.Look at international sporting. How many professional female leagues are as successful as their male counterparts?Most governments still are made up in their majority of men.We are having this debate because women are not equal. Otherwise, there would be no need to discuss the matter.Women are often not given enough responsibility based on the possibility that they might become pregnant.The number of sexual harassment suits have increased over the past 10 years.Hundreds of years of history cant have been changed in a mere 30 odd years.Have you ever watched Bay Watch?

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Genji

Genji, the son of the emperor and a concubine, is used in this book to represent males and their unchanging harshness toward females. He searches constantly for the â€Å"hidden flower† or perfect female, however, he falls short of being the ideal male. He is unworthy to have the perfect female even if he did find her. He shows this through his many unfaithful, immoral affairs with females throughout the book. He is able to get away with just about anything due to his undying charm to both men and women. He has an unlimited amount of flaws in his character. He is disloyal, indecisive, and selfish. He worries only about himself and his own reputation as a man. He is completely intrigued by game-playing and therefore uses this technique to lure women in to him. Genji executes many corrupt and irrational events throughout the story. He kidnaps a woman and gets angry when she protests being with him. There is a belief that he may have molested a small boy. He is completely unfaithful to his wife with any woman who, even so much as, sparks his interest . He will never settle for what he has and continues to pursue any object that he desires without shame. Genji, growing up, was not surrounded by wonderful role models. He himself was conceived out of wedlock. This upbringing could have contributed to his sinful way of living. With the use of Genji’s character, Lady Murasaki attempts to convey the message that anyone who is deceitful and charming enough can con just about anyone if they make it a way of life. We, as people, have to learn to be strong and go against things of this nature. Murasaki also is able to portray the life that women had to live in this place and time. She wanted society to see how men really were and the wrongs in their behavior. In my opinion, she did a good job at showing the severity of this situation and made me happy to be living where and when I am.... Free Essays on Genji Free Essays on Genji Genji, the son of the emperor and a concubine, is used in this book to represent males and their unchanging harshness toward females. He searches constantly for the â€Å"hidden flower† or perfect female, however, he falls short of being the ideal male. He is unworthy to have the perfect female even if he did find her. He shows this through his many unfaithful, immoral affairs with females throughout the book. He is able to get away with just about anything due to his undying charm to both men and women. He has an unlimited amount of flaws in his character. He is disloyal, indecisive, and selfish. He worries only about himself and his own reputation as a man. He is completely intrigued by game-playing and therefore uses this technique to lure women in to him. Genji executes many corrupt and irrational events throughout the story. He kidnaps a woman and gets angry when she protests being with him. There is a belief that he may have molested a small boy. He is completely unfaithful to his wife with any woman who, even so much as, sparks his interest . He will never settle for what he has and continues to pursue any object that he desires without shame. Genji, growing up, was not surrounded by wonderful role models. He himself was conceived out of wedlock. This upbringing could have contributed to his sinful way of living. With the use of Genji’s character, Lady Murasaki attempts to convey the message that anyone who is deceitful and charming enough can con just about anyone if they make it a way of life. We, as people, have to learn to be strong and go against things of this nature. Murasaki also is able to portray the life that women had to live in this place and time. She wanted society to see how men really were and the wrongs in their behavior. In my opinion, she did a good job at showing the severity of this situation and made me happy to be living where and when I am.... Free Essays on Genji Genji: The Title Character for a Reason Genji must be recognized as the principal male character in Murasaki Shikibu’s â€Å"The Tale of Genji†. In this way, by literary definition, he is the novel’s irreplaceable hero. The more recognized definition of a hero, one seen for his special or bold achievements, could apply to Genji although he didn’t necessarily work hard to achieve anything. He was born beautiful, talented, charming, and simply irresistible and therefore can be called a hero at birth. This is quite an achievement, and the only characters eligible for comparison after Genji’s death are the two princesses, Oigimi and Naka no Kimi. Although Genji’s father removes him from the imperial family, it is only a technicality and Genji spends the majority of his life experiencing luxuries as an Emperor’s son. He is immediately favored by anyone who enters his path and it seems that his entire existence was previously planned out to be naturally perfect; an impeccable being born into a situation in which he can properly be displayed. The fact that Genji doesn’t need to work for any of his accomplishments (this includes his many women) raises the question of whether or not he is in fact a natural born hero, or simply spoiled â€Å"royalty† with an offensive amount of luck. â€Å"Genji’s looks had an indescribably fresh sweetness, one beyond even Her Highness’s celebrated and, to His Majesty, peerless beauty, and this moved people to call him the Shining Lord†¦ His Majesty was reluctant to spoil Genji’s boyish charm, but in Genji’s twelfth year he gave him his coming of age, busying himself personally with the preparations and adding new embellishments to the ceremony. Lest the event seem less imposing than the one for the Heir Apparent, done some years ago in the Shishinden, and lest anything go amiss, he issued minute instructions for the banquets to be offered by the various government offices and for the things...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Pat Conroy

Growing up in what today is considered a dysfunctional family, Pat Conroy took advantage of this opportunity to write some of the most intriguing stories of his past that capture the attention of his readers. In the movie "Prince of Tides" that was based on his life, Pat Conroy attempts to draw the viewer into his own world, and give them the chance to experience the pain that he has experienced while growing up. Brought up in a family that consisted of his mother, father, older brother, and a twin sister, he was introduced to a lot of hate and violence at an early age. His father would physically abuse their mother. When this would go on the three kids would attempt to escape this harsh reality by running to a nearby lake and jump in, trying to stay underwater for as long as possible. This technique however could not let them escape this reality forever. As a child Pat was a peaceful kid. He tended to relate more to his mother, and in return received warm words of compassion from her. She would tell him that he was her favorite child, and that she loved him more than she loved the rest of her kids. She also told him that he would be the only one that would amount up to anything in their whole family because he was the smartest one out of all of them. This seemed to have an unpleasant effect on him. He seemed to feel hurt by hearing his own mother say such things to him. He later found out that his mother told his brother and his sister exactly the same things about them too. Because of incidents like that, Pat later expresses the hate that he has for his mother and his unwillingness to see her. At the age of twelve, Pat, his mother and his sister were all brutally raped by three men that escaped from a nearby prison. This incident had such an effect on his twin poetic sister that she later on in life made several attempts to tak

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Painting and sculpture gallery Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Painting and sculpture gallery - Essay Example The extent of the material elasticity greatly determines its stability under such a load. Continuous increase in the load applied to a structural element lead to an increased deformation. There is a limit reached where the material loses it elastic nature. This limit is refereed to as the elastic limit. Further stretching of the structural member beyond this limit results to permanent deformation of the material. Beyond the point of elasticity, hooks law ceases to apply, the material behaves in a plastic manner, plastic material do not return to their original shape after the load has been removed. At yield point the material may collapse. It is upon the structural engineer to perform comprehensive calculation of the loads applied to a building and come up with a suitable structure to resist the calculated load. There are two types of loads. There is the live and dead load. Structural elements are also subjected to compressive loads. This causes a decrease in the original size of these elements and a consequent increase in the cross-sectional area of the element. A compressive force in a building affects structural elements such as columns, struts and beams. Excessive compressive forces results to the buckling of these structural materials. The designer must calculate these compressive load and select materials that can withstand buckling.Creep is another structural effect that affects materials used in building and construction; udder creep the material is slowly and progressively deformed. This mainly occurs when structural members are subjected to high temperatures, continuous vibration from heavy machines and repeated cyclic stress. Creep leads to the gradual sagging of ties and beams and the loosening of bolts use... Tension, which is the degree of material deformation due to the material being subjected to a pulling force results changes in shape of the ties that are used during the construction of trusses, the tension should be accurately calculated to ensure that the deformation on the structural members does not exceed the yield point.Structural elements are subjected to compressive loads. This causes a decrease in the original size of these elements and a consequent increase in the cross-sectional area of the element. A compressive force in a building affects structural elements such as columns, struts and beams. Excessive compressive forces results to the buckling of these structural materials. The designer must calculate these compressive load and select materials that can withstand buckling. Creep is another structural effect that affects materials used in building and construction; udder creep the material is slowly and progressively deformed. This mainly occurs when structural members a re subjected to high temperatures, continuous vibration from heavy machines and repeated cyclic stress. Creep leads to the gradual sagging of ties and beams and the loosening of bolts use to join the structural elements. The designer has therefore to take into account such unnoticeable changes that may lead to rapture of the material. Creep lead to material fracture. The progressive fracture of material leads to fatigue and finally the material fails.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Ethics and Governance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Ethics and Governance - Essay Example , stakeholders, suppliers etc it may be an ethical organization but the animal rights activist groups or the individuals who are vegetarians could look upon the activities of the organization as being highly unethical just as the cannibals are regarded as unethical by the majority of people. The subject of business ethics touches upon the frontiers of many subjects which are controversial, in fact it touches upon the controversy of human life, the dilemma of the creation into which we all have been born . To go into detail into even any one of these subjects is beyond the scope of this paper but it is helpful for the reader to be aware of all the other subjects which effect business ethics. Organizations do have some individual values; if they strive for profit making then the value behind it may be self reliance and striving for excellence, this drive for excellence may be highly supported by certain cultures, but in the process the organization may be producing certain outcomes which may not be desirable for certain groups and even for the society at large. For example an organization individually may be releasing very little pollutants in the environment but there are other organizations who also have the same individual value system and the urge to strive for excellence who are also releasing the pollutants and when summed up leads to a huge amount of pollutants in the environment which are harmful to a large number of people, thus raising the need for legal interventions and code of ethics in this case restricting the organization from polluting beyond a certain limit or charging higher environmental tax to the larger polluters. Also the organizations are forced t o comply to ethical standards when they come under pressure from various groups, when they are made to realize how the pursuit of their own interests are harming others or when they are threatened to stop pursuing their own objectives which is proving to be harmful to others then there is a

NY Safe Act Potential Impacts on Juvenile Offenders and Community Essay

NY Safe Act Potential Impacts on Juvenile Offenders and Community - Essay Example The Juvenile Justice System (JJS) refers to a group of juvenile courts in any given country. The juvenile court which is also referred to as the offender’s courts is mandated with the passing of judgments for any crime which young children commit. Many JJS especially in the New York are meant for the rehabilitation of the young children instead of imprisonment Though the JJS provides a place for the juveniles to correct their behaviors, through rehabilitation, the Act has a lot of effects on juvenile offenders, their families, community safety and the mental health practice. One of the impacts of the law or Act on juvenile offenders is that they would get to know their mistakes and thereby correct them. By punishing the young ones, they would be affected mentally, but as per the court stipulations, they should first be given advice as to why they are in court and how their behavior should be corrected (shoemaker 2009). The families of the juveniles would also be affected by the law. One of the effects to the families includes emotional stress, especially to the parents. On the other hand, the families can also appreciate for the corrective behavior that their children would adopt. Though many parents of the juvenile offenders would not appreciate the corrective behavior offered to their children, some would appreciate since their lifetime behavior would also change (Wheeler 1978). On the impact on the community, there would be improvement on the safety of the community at large since even the children form part of the community. There would also be a reduction of the number of crimes and this would also serve as a lesson to the other young children in the community. The passing of laws against the juvenile offenders would also have some effects on the mental health practice in the New York. For one, the mental health practice has

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Supply Chain Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Supply Chain Management - Essay Example Consumers always desired to get newer stocks and also other modified and sophisticated inventories which they considered would help meet the value of their expenses. Further the consumers also are found to order for getting the repeat stocks owing to the quality advantage obtained from such. However the present practice followed by the company in regards to stocking of the inventory created a problem for the consumers for they failed to get the right stock ordered for and also failed to regain the reorders made. The huge pile of unwanted and unsold inventories added to the problem for which the right and effective stock failed to be procured rightly and stocked for being delivered to the consumers. This problem of overstocking also led the company encounter huge losses and also blocked a large part of the working capital. This capital thus blocked could have been used by the company in other productive purposes. Thus the company not only suffers from lack of proper revenues emanating from the sales of inventories but also large numbers of complaints lodged in by the different customers for not getting the proper stocks required for. This fact in turn is found to hamper the goodwill of the firm and led the company counter a failure in the competitive business market. Moreover the presence of large number of unused and unsold stocks in the warehouse makes matters worse for specifically identifying those stocks which lead to the menace. Thus having large stocks spread around 30,000 stock keeping units create large number of problems for the warehouse manager to rightly identify and reduce the number of such odd stocks. Hence the management of Champion Electric thinks it feasible enough to reduce the inventory level so as to help in the effective management of the right and productive stock for the business concern to sale and gain considerable profit. Thus the management of the concern was found to be concerned in management of the stock levels of the firm in a sm art manner so as to help enhance the productivity climate of the organization. Hence this effective management of the stock level would help the company in firstly assessing the productive stock level and secondly in meeting the needs of the consumers in an effective manner. It would thereby save the concern in times of emergency when it required procuring products from external markets with additional amounts so as to meet customer requirements (Case, 232). A.2. President Campos of Champion Electric also was found concerned regarding the piling up of the stock levels in the warehouse leading to locking of considerable amount of financial investments rendered for such purpose. These unused levels of stocks in the concern not only made the management feel wary but also led to rise in the event of consumer dissatisfaction. Thus the president desired the effective management of such stock levels which would help the concern to enhance the level of service it required to deliver to the consumers by catering to their demands effectively (Case, 232). Thus Barb Patterson in order to abide by the order of the president was required to fulfill certain salient steps. Firstly Barb is required to identify such stocks which have been piled up in the warehouse for six months through the use of stock codes or labels in the computer. Secondly Barb is require

Jessica;s Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Jessica;s Law - Essay Example That is why most states have passed some sort of variation of Jessicas Law in their area. However, there are still some sectors of society that argue that the law will do our children more harm than good in the long run mainly because these sexual offenders more often than not commit their acts on family members thus making the law inapplicable to the children living in the homes of these predators. They claim that Jessicas Law does nothing to protect those children (Simerman, J.). Nothing could be further from the truth, as Jessicas Law mandates that all sexual offenders be forced to register with the state and live a minimum of 2,000 feet of children. Those opposed to the law thinking that the children are not protected in their own homes obviously have the wrong idea as to how the law is applied to the offenders. The 2,000 minimum rule means that the offender would have to live practically out of state and the lifetime electronic tagging means that the police will constantly be able to monitor their movements and prevent another crime from happening to a child. â€Å"... the Proposition would not focus on the real problem—dangerous sex offenders—but would instead waste limited resources tracking persons who pose no risk. The new law would create an expensive tracking system for thousands of registrants who were convicted of minor, nonviolent offenses, perhaps years or decades ago. Law enforcement’s resources should be directed toward high risk individuals living in our neighborhoods. â€Å" The current state of predator laws in some states is so murky that a sexual offender can actually find a way around the registration law and even worse, get around the location tracking by simply not having a permanent address. Even more sickening is the fact that some probation officers even advise these dangerous criminals as to how to get around the law. There are even certain situations wherein the predator

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Supply Chain Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Supply Chain Management - Essay Example Consumers always desired to get newer stocks and also other modified and sophisticated inventories which they considered would help meet the value of their expenses. Further the consumers also are found to order for getting the repeat stocks owing to the quality advantage obtained from such. However the present practice followed by the company in regards to stocking of the inventory created a problem for the consumers for they failed to get the right stock ordered for and also failed to regain the reorders made. The huge pile of unwanted and unsold inventories added to the problem for which the right and effective stock failed to be procured rightly and stocked for being delivered to the consumers. This problem of overstocking also led the company encounter huge losses and also blocked a large part of the working capital. This capital thus blocked could have been used by the company in other productive purposes. Thus the company not only suffers from lack of proper revenues emanating from the sales of inventories but also large numbers of complaints lodged in by the different customers for not getting the proper stocks required for. This fact in turn is found to hamper the goodwill of the firm and led the company counter a failure in the competitive business market. Moreover the presence of large number of unused and unsold stocks in the warehouse makes matters worse for specifically identifying those stocks which lead to the menace. Thus having large stocks spread around 30,000 stock keeping units create large number of problems for the warehouse manager to rightly identify and reduce the number of such odd stocks. Hence the management of Champion Electric thinks it feasible enough to reduce the inventory level so as to help in the effective management of the right and productive stock for the business concern to sale and gain considerable profit. Thus the management of the concern was found to be concerned in management of the stock levels of the firm in a sm art manner so as to help enhance the productivity climate of the organization. Hence this effective management of the stock level would help the company in firstly assessing the productive stock level and secondly in meeting the needs of the consumers in an effective manner. It would thereby save the concern in times of emergency when it required procuring products from external markets with additional amounts so as to meet customer requirements (Case, 232). A.2. President Campos of Champion Electric also was found concerned regarding the piling up of the stock levels in the warehouse leading to locking of considerable amount of financial investments rendered for such purpose. These unused levels of stocks in the concern not only made the management feel wary but also led to rise in the event of consumer dissatisfaction. Thus the president desired the effective management of such stock levels which would help the concern to enhance the level of service it required to deliver to the consumers by catering to their demands effectively (Case, 232). Thus Barb Patterson in order to abide by the order of the president was required to fulfill certain salient steps. Firstly Barb is required to identify such stocks which have been piled up in the warehouse for six months through the use of stock codes or labels in the computer. Secondly Barb is require

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Choo Bee Metal Industries Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Choo Bee Metal Industries - Coursework Example The company registered a marginally lower profit before tax of RM5 million in 2010 compared to the figure of RM18 million in 2009. This decrease is attributed to the fall in steel prices and dampened business activities. Because of the slumping price situation, the Group also adjusted their inventory net realizable value by taking on a write down of RM10.2 million. The company earned revenues of RM221 million in 2010, which was 13% more than the prior year's results (RM196 million in 2009). The net income fell at from RM14 million in 2009 to RM5 million in 2010. The dividends per share (Sen) remained fixed at 4.50 while the earnings per share (Sen) decreased from 18.49 (2009) to 14.80 (2010). Since most companies in the supplies and fixtures areas of construction do not pay a dividend, the positive trend Choo Bee Metal Industries has shown in dividend payments, deserves a special mention.

Project management of a company Essay Example for Free

Project management of a company Essay With the current rapid development of various business. Market competition becomes more and more fierce. Hence, a specific business plan is crucial to help a business successfully achieve goals and become competitive. The aim of this report is to prepare a business plan for a business. Some parts will be analysed in detail below which include a description of the business, sales and marketing strategy and risk management plan. A famous interior designer, Mark, owns Master Furniture (MF) which is located countryside in Melbourne. The major function of MF is providing customized furniture. There are three options provided to customers by MF: buying the existing furniture without any changes, changing the design of existing furniture displayed in showrooms, and providing design plans by customers themselves. In the next five years, MF plans to develop its own ERP system and expand his business to open linkage shops around Victoria. The main marketing principle is that the entire efforts of a company should be directed towards customers needs. MF is positioned as a high quality retailer that offers a unique selling proposition. MF sets its business apart from others due to its unique feature of providing customized goods to its customers. Advertising and Promotion also necessary through a variety of channels in order to attract customers. These approaches include the Internet, newspaper, radio, television and tradeshows. Besides sales and marketing strategy, risk management plan is also a significant factor that cannot be neglected. Specific and deliberate risk management plan should be established in order to minimize the negative influences on the business development and better achieve business goal and objective. The risk management plan contains the following parts, identifying and recording the potential risks, classifying the identified risks and assessing impacts of risks and developing the risk mitigation strategy for each risk. Those identified risks are categorized into six groups, including customer risks, supplier risks, staff risks, competitor risks, product risks and financial risks. 2.Description of the product/service Master Furniture (MF) is a business planned to provide furniture design and sale services for both individual and companies who have special or unique furniture requirements. Goals of enterprise are to provide high-quality customized service that is reliable and convenient. Mark, the owner of Master Furniture, also is a famous interior designer and won many relevant international prizes. Mark praised free spirit as his operation concept, which also directly affects his design. Purposes of establishing this entity are expressing and disseminating his artistic concepts, as well as exchanging ideas with professors and hobbyists. Customers are on top and middle class of society, who have special requirements and enthusiasm for furniture designing are targeted customers. The primary market focuses on special groups, such as the blind, the elder and people who are passionately fond of designing personal furniture. The physical shop locates in the city of Melbourne. Therefore, the target market areas are the suburbs around Melbourne. The shop includes three showrooms, which divided into bedroom, living room and kitchen. Mark designs all furniture displayed in the shop. There also have one meeting room and one stock room, which store the art works and goods customers ordered. Initially, the major function of MF is providing customized furniture. There are three options provided to customers by MF: buying the existing furniture without any changes, changing the design of existing furniture displayed in showrooms, and providing design plans by customers themselves. For the first situation that customers buy furniture directly from the shop and without any change, MF provides discount in delivery service if customers do not want to pick up by themselves. For the second situation that customers want to change the size, color or materials of furniture based on the design of Mark, MF charges extra service fee. The extra service fees are based on the change of furniture. For example, MF charge extra 20% of the furniture price for changing color and extra 30% of price for changing size. In this case, MF provides the design drawing directly to customers in the shop or sent to customers by email. After customer confirm the design, especially in size and color then it will be sent to factory. For the last situation that designs are provided by customers, Mark may provide professional suggestions based on design, such as budget, drawbacks, and safety risks. After the negotiation between Mark and customers, the design drawing will send to the factory. MF owns a truck, which is able to provide delivery service to customers. For loyal customers who had transaction records in MF database, can enjoy discount delivery service as well as customers buy furniture directly from shop and do not have any change. On the other hand, customers also can pick up by themselves. All advertisements include leaflets, which displayed the new designed furniture and price, a phone number that potential and current customers can call to query the service. For the customers who want to change the design or designed by themselves, MF calls customers once their goods arrived in the shop. The background factory of MF is outsourced to Rojos furniture factory, which is located in the countryside of Melbourne. Once Mark confirms the design drawings and send to factory by email or fax, factory sends an invoice which includes due time of production, price, and quantity back to MF. In this period, MF will confirm the price with customers and then response factory. Factory will start to work after receiving the confirmation from MF. After factory completes the invoice and sends goods back to MF, MF will inform customers to decide whether they want to pick up by himself or herself or delivery furniture to home. MF has two full-time receptionists and one part-time driver. When customers step into the MF, the front desk receptionists, who understand Mark’s design concept completely and have excellent communication skills, will communicate with them and introduce products in the showroom to clients. If clients want to design furniture by themselves no matter completely self-design or partly design, they could make appointments with Mark to discuss. When customers decide to purchase, they need to pay whole amounts for existing products or deposit for new design products. Then receptionists will create account for clients in the MF customer information database, which can help customers get discounts for delivery service in next purchase. On the other hand, receptionists also need to confirm delivery information with customers, such as delivery address, time and payment method. Once clients confirm the delivery, it is the responsibility of receptionists to inform delivery information to the driver. The major responsibilities of driver are delivering and unloading products as well as receipts to customers. After customers signing for confirmation, the last mission of driver is bringing back confirmation of customers to MF. MF offers after-sale services to customers, such as maintenance, consultancy. In the next five years, MF will develop its own Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) system, which includes a website for advertisement Customer Relationship Management System. Moreover, Mark is planning to expand his business, which focusing on open Linkage shops around Victoria. In order to attract more clients, membership will be applied in MF system. Based on the expanding business, more staff is required for different purpose. There are several kinds of positions will available in MF: designers, receptionists, salesman, full time delivery drivers, and back officers. Moreover, as a famous designer, Mark will provide videos in shops to show his award-winning art works, and by this way to disseminate his design concept and let more people know about furniture art. 3.Sales and marketing strategy 3.1 SWOT Based on the goals of MF: build company image, gain competitive market share and refine logistic, productions and operational systems, SWOT analysis applied to in this subsection to analyze strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The evaluation of the strategic process has to be done in order to conduct the SWOT analysis. Strength †¢In these recent years there is an increase in demand of furniture products that is modern and unique. These classifications make the house of the MF customers to be different from others. And the minimal design is used to express a maximum effect of the art used in the furniture; the arts used in minimal design mostly will be in the form of visual art and music. †¢The MF has the highly educated workers in the organization. The human resources used in both the outlet shop and the factory are skilled, capable of producing the design requested by the customer. †¢Diversity and ideas is the most important strength of the organization. This innovative idea makes us differ from our competitors. Integrating different ideas into a furniture product, that forms the critical success factors. †¢The furniture market has a big democratic market, where there is always a way to establish our organization and product information through the media. This also forms the strength of our organization. Weakness †¢The major part of the weakness lies in the stock control, which is inefficient. There are many cases where the stocks may be outdated. In some cases there may be insufficient stocks. And at sometimes the stocks would not be available on the time needed, sometime available more than what is needed. †¢Trust, forms the core of the business process. The materials that are supplied by the external organizations at sometimes create a lack of trust in them. As the furniture company is mainly dependent on external organization for the raw materials, lose their trust when the raw material is not good and when it is not supplied the time needed. †¢Master Furniture is known especially for its uniqueness in the product. When there is some situation where the organization has to share the knowledge with the other employees and external organization, the knowledge shared can be misused. These cases the organization has to take the risks. †¢The demand for the traditional structure of the furniture’s is decreasing rapidly. On the other hand new innovation and change in this industry has slow absorption. †¢Till a product is completed the quality of the product cannot be judged. Once the quality of the product fails a new product has to be created and the raw materials used cannot also be reused. As known for producing single furniture a large quantity of raw material has to be invested. Opportunities †¢Big potential is developing in the market sector for designing. As the main part of this business is designing as per requested by the customer, the minimal designs are creating new opportunities for these kind of design patterns in the market. †¢The labor cost can be reduced by outsourcing it to the other countries such as China. †¢There is a large scope in the research and development as the customers are looking forward for the uniqueness in the product they buy. So, research and development capability is high. †¢Hybrid solutions can be achieved by blending and balancing. This can be done using the effective production methods. †¢There is only a very little competition in the designing of the modern furniture’s. Threats †¢The major threat to be considered is that the cost of the raw materials, which is always showing upward trend in the rise of the prices. This causes the regular price fluctuation of the products produced. †¢The new ideas or methods that are used in the manufacturing of the product sometimes lead to uncertainties. The innovation in the product cannot be always successful. †¢The MF Company also has to hope with the fast changes and new inventions in the industry. When a new production method is introduced then there will be a change in the stock control. This will lead to a large fluctuation in stock control. 3.2 Marketing Strategy Customers are considered as core in any business. The companies manufacture goods according to the needs of its customers. They would like to increase their market share by beating their competitors through sales. One should have a proper business plan to achieve this. The company should know the likes and dislikes of its customers. Based on these factors it can build a business strategy that allows you to satisfy your customers. The two main marketing principles are: †¢The entire efforts of a company should be directed towards customers needs. †¢Profitable sales volume is more important than maximum sales volume. Positioning: Master furniture is positioned as high quality, moderate price retailer that offers unique customizes goods. As Master furniture provides special services to their customers their goods are positioned at high quality which lean towards higher prices. Their market positioning goals are accomplished through the following: †¢Appointing outstanding sales persons in Master furniture retail store who understand the customer needs. †¢Explaining their manufacturing capabilities and uniqueness through demonstrations. †¢To highlight their ability to customize and quality they should provide invitational sales. Unique Selling Proposition: A unique selling proposition is what your business stands for. It sets your business apart from others. Instead of attempting to be known for everything, businesses with a unique selling proposition stand for something specific, and it becomes what you’re known for. Master furniture sets its business apart from others due to its unique feature of providing customized goods to its customers. Price vs. Quality Design: Master furniture maintains high quality provides appealing customized design according to the customer needs at affordable prices. Advertising and Promotion: Master furniture will use different sources to communicate with their targeted market. Newspaper, local cable, billboards, pamphlets are different sources to attract customers. They use the electronic media to attract customers and explain their concept of customization. Their customers being the middle and high class in the society Master furniture uses radio and television to advertise. Posturing and vehicle writing methods can also be implemented to advertise. Master furniture uses media to advertise. These include: †¢Internet †¢Newspaper †¢Radio †¢Television †¢Tradeshows Internet: Advertising through the Internet is the best way to advertise these days. Social networking websites like Facebook are used for advertising. This would be the most effective advertising plot for Master furniture. Newspaper: Most people in Australia read newspaper. So for that reason Master furniture can use the most popular newspaper to advertise. Radio: Radio is also considered as a popular media item. Many people use it for audio entertainment. So Master furniture can also use radio as to advertise. Television: Television is the most popular media item. Every person in the country uses television for entertainment. Therefore Master furniture can use television to advertise. Tradeshows: The trades how is an excellent mechanism to stay connected with the market and network potential customers. Aside from sales promotion the trade shows offer you the ability to see your competition. Master furniture will attend the trade shows held every year and try to attain potential customers. 4.Risk management plan 4.1Purpose and Objectives Risk management plan is to identify and record the potential risks which may threaten the company and also assess identified risks and establishing risk mitigation strategies to mitigate negative impacts on achieving goals and objectives of the business. The purpose of the risk management plan is to describe all aspects of risk management, including: 1)Identifying and recording the potential risks; 2)Classifying the identified risks and assessing impacts of risks; 3)Developing the risk mitigation strategy for each risk; 4)Allocating responsibility; 4.2 Target Audience The target audience of the risk management plan includes: all employees of MF company and its customers and the supplier. 4.3 Risk strategy In order to minimize the negative influences on the business development, the risk management procedure is developed by considering both internal and external factors. The necessary steps are risk Identification, risk assessment and risk Mitigation. All identified risks are categorized into six groups, including Customer Risks, Supplier Risks, Staff Risks, Competitor Risks, Product Risks and Financial Risks. Identified risks are measured in terms of likelihood of occurrence and impacts. By combing the likelihood and impacts, the risk rating is identified to provide the priority of the risks, which would present a better perspective for risk management. The detail information is shown in Table 1below. Table 1 †¢L=Likelihood: 1=Unlikely; 2=Possible; 3= Very Likely †¢C=Impact: 1=Minor; 2=Moderate; 3= Major †¢R=Risk Rating: L=Low; M=Medium; E=Extreme #Risk NameRisk DescriptionConsequence RRisk MitigationResponsibility ACustomer Risks A.1The company highly relies on a small number of major customers Once the larger customers turn to other companies’ product, then the company’s profit will be affected in the short time.The company’s profit and cash flow will be affected in a period of time until finding the new customers to yield revenue.22M†¢Improving the customer satisfaction and keeping long-term relationship with valuable customer groups by regularly contacting them and continually providing the superior products and services. †¢Locking the existing customers and make them become larger customers. †¢Expanding the target customer groups and seeking new and profitable customers.†¢General Manager †¢Department Managers †¢Salesmen BSupplier Risks B.1Highly depends on one supplierOnce the existing supplier is not able to provide the products and services or produce the products to the company, then the company’s normal operations will be affected.The company’s normal operations will be affected because of the shortage of supply.33E†¢Seeking alternative suppliers who are able to provide the similar products and services to the company. †¢Locking the existing supplier by the long-term contracts and maintaining the relationship with the supplier regularly.†¢General Manager †¢Department Managers B.2Product delivery delay riskThe suppliers cannot produce the product and deliver products on time.The company will not deliver products for its customers on time and loss reputation and credibility.11L†¢Seeking alternative suppliers who are able to provide the similar products and services to the company. †¢Monitoring supply contract regularly and urging products delivery.†¢Department Managers †¢Salesman †¢Customer Service Manager CStaff Risks C.1The staff turnover riskSome employees are critical to the business success, such as they deal with the key supplier and larger customers. The company will be affected by staff turnover.Resulting in disruption of the business operation and hard to find the appropriate new staff. The company has to spend both time and money to train the new staff.22M†¢Implementing a strict personnel selection mechanism to find the right employees for the company. †¢Allocating more employees to key position and training employees for backup. †¢HR Manager †¢Department Managers C.2Employee face occupational health and safety(OHS) risksBecause of the nature of the work, the employees, such as vehicle drivers and porters, would injure in the particular event.The company will be under the risk of fines or paying for injury or death of an employee.11L†¢Establishing appropriate OHS policies. †¢Regularly maintain vehicles and advocating safe driving.†¢Employees DCompetitor Risks D.1Competitor riskCompetitors will pose a current or potential threat to the business, such as competitors may open the new business nearby or launch similar products with lower price in the market.The sales and revenue of the company will be affected.12L†¢Improving the relationships with large clients. †¢Investing money in developing new products and services. †¢Protecting intellectual property assets confidential and proprietary information, such as designs and copyright. †¢Continually monitoring competitors.†¢General Manager †¢Designer EProduct Risks E.1Large-scale product recall riskDue to product defect, the company has to recall all sold products.The company will huge losses in expense of reworking and the sales and reputation of the company will be affected in long term.13M†¢Monitoring the quality of the products and avoid the situation which would damage the company’s reputation. †¢Training employees.†¢General Manager †¢Salesman †¢Customer Service Manager E.2Copyright riskThe company’s copyright is violated.The sales and revenue of the company will be affected.13M†¢Establishing a copyright policy. †¢Protecting intellectual property assets confidential and proprietary information. †¢Signing a confidential agreement when contracting work out to third parties. †¢Getting copyright consultancy services.†¢General Manager †¢Designers †¢Department Managers FFinancial Risks F.1Liquidity riskThe company doesn’t have enough money to pay its debts.The company’s operation will be affected.22M†¢Managing and monitoring cash flow. †¢Carefully making financial decisions.†¢General Manager †¢Finance employees F.2Credit riskDue to the products and services sold on credit, the customers may be unable to pay the money back.Resulting in financial loss.12L†¢Checking customers’ credit status and signing terms an conditions of trade with customers.†¢Finance employees †¢Salesman 5.Conclusion From what mentioned above wo can get the conclusion that a business plan which includes several parts, a statement of the business, marketing strategy and risk management plan. Establishing a detailed business plan plays a significant role in operating the business and achieving their goals successfully. When setting a plan, the organization should particularly pay attention to risk management plan which can help the business reduce loss the risks result and operate in a smooth way.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Effects Of Homophobic Bullying Social Work Essay

The Effects Of Homophobic Bullying Social Work Essay The stigma and prejudice attached to homosexuality encourages the perpetuation of homophobic bullying against the lesbian, gay, bisexual and Trans gender (LGBT) youth by their peers. Bullying can take the form of homophobic epithets, sexual harassment and even violence. The class room has been described by social psychologists as the most homophobic of all institutions. This paper examines the effects of homophobic bullying on the physical and mental health of the LGBT youth which is characterized by depression, suicide ideation and engaging in risky behaviors (alcohol and substance abuse). The paper also analyses the buffering effects provided by positive school climate, parental and peer support as well as personal resilience. Keywords: LGBT youth, homophobic bullying, depression, hostile school climate, suicide ideation The Effects of Homophobic Bullying on the Mental and Physical Health of LGBT Youth: The Buffering Effects of Positive School Climate and Parental Support A Review of the Literature In todays permissive society an increasing number of adolescents who are in their early and middle teens (Middle and High school students) have begun to come out of the proverbial closet. However, even in this day and age our society is largely intolerant of deviation from gender norms prescribed by the culture. This makes it especially challenging for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) youth who are struggling and trying to come to terms with their sexual identity and orientation. The stigma attached to homosexuality encourages the perpetuation of homophobic bullying against the LGBT youth by their peers. It is a matter of immense concern to the doctors, psychologists and the entire community that there is a high incidence of suicide within this sexual minority group as compared to the heterosexual youth. This literature review focuses on homophobic bullying and its effects on the LGBT youth who are at a challenging stage in life and are struggling with their feelings abo ut sexual orientation and sexual gender. The effects of homophobic bullying on gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender youth encompass challenges to their psychosocial development, emotional distress an increase in risky behavior (substance abuse), depression and suicide ideation. However, the literature review also highlights the buffering effects of a positive school environment and positive parental relations against negative effects of homophobic bullying. Homophobic Teasing and General Peer Victimization Homophobic teasing, peer victimization and gender non-conformity attitudes are some important mental health issues faced by the LGBT youth as result of their sexual orientation. Homophobic teasing is often long-term, systematic, and perpetrated by groups of students; it places the targets at risk for greater suicide ideation, depression and isolation. Homophobic teasing includes negative beliefs, attitudes, stereotypes and behaviors towards gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgender youth, and can take the form of verbal and/or physical abuse, and in todays advanced technological age cyber abuse. Peer victimization can take the form of verbal insults, threats of violence, physical assault, and sexual assault (Espelage, Aragon, Birkett Koenig, 2008). A 2009 survey of more than 7,000 LGBT middle and high school students aged 13-21 years found that in the past year, because of their sexual orientation: Eight of ten students had been verbally harassed at school; four of ten had been phys ically harassed at school; six of ten felt unsafe at school; and one of five had been the victim of a physical assault at school ( Challenges to Psycho Social Development According to Erik Eriksons theory of psychosocial development all individuals must master particular developmental tasks during the adolescent years in order to lead productive and healthy lives. These tasks include adjusting to the physical and emotional changes of puberty, forming practical social and functioning relationships with peers, accomplishing independence from primary care takers, preparing for a career, and formation of a unique identity and a set of moral values (McDermott, Roen Scourfield 2008). However, for the LGBT adolescents achieving these developmental goals is challenged by the stress of being part of a stigmatized group. These youth also have to contend with a lack or absence of a support system such as family rejection, social isolation and harassment by peers and feelings of alienation with the school as a result of consistent homophobic bullying. Emotional Distress The social climate of our nation promotes heterosexist attitudes and these views are up held by our social institutions such as families, schools, the church, and government institutions. These prejudiced attitudes result in gay related stress for the LGBT youth who experience a unique set of stressors related directly to being sexual minorities within a heterosexually oriented society. These stressors may be both external (homophobic bullying, family rejection), and internal (internalized homophobia) in nature From the time they are children the youth have been barraged by negative attitudes towards homosexuality and this can lead to the internalization of homophobic sentiments. Internalized homophobia often results in feelings of shame and disgust towards ones sexual orientation which has been reinforced by family and society and can create conflict and dissonance and lead to emotional distress (Rosario Schrimshaw 2002). School Alienation and Lack of Social Support The constant flow of negative information regarding gender non -conformity and homosexuality from figures of authority such as parents, teachers, the clergy, and government officials encourages discriminatory and prejudicial behavior towards the sexual minority group by fellow students. Their heterosexist tendencies are manifested through homophobic bullying, social isolation and violence towards the vulnerable LGBT adolescents. Peer victimization can result in creating a hostile school environment and promotes feelings of alienation from school. An on-line research conducted on 3,450 public and private students (ages13-18) in the U.S found that 88% of the students reported that homophobic remarks were used in the teachers presence and that teachers and staff failed to intervene during these incidents (Espelage 2008). These findings clearly indicate that teachers and staffs failure to intervene encourages and promotes peer victimization and homophobic teasing and creates and sustains a hostile environment for lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgender youth. Having a strong social support system (family, peers, and teachers) is vital to maintaining mental and emotional health. It works as a buffer against stress; elevates a persons self-confidence and self-esteem; reduces feelings of loneliness and isolation to name a few. Lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans gender youth have lack or absence of a social support system by virtue of their sexual orientation that is negatively sanctioned by the heterosexual society. They face family rejection after coming out, social isolation by their peers, and many adults fear discrimination, job loss, and abuse if they openly support LGBT youth. Thus there is a lack of positive role models and support system which makes it more challenging to cope with the stress produced by stigmatization (Padilla, Crisp Rew 2011). Depression, Substance Abuse, and Suicide Ideation Suicidal ideation is defined as thoughts of engaging in suicide-related behavior. It can range from passive ideation- having the thought but not the intent to active ideation which includes intent as well as a plan to harm oneself. Suicidality has a number of risk factors as well as a number of protective factors. Among LGB individuals there is a higher incidence of risk factors and there are less protective factors in place. There is, for example, a higher incidence of important suicide risk factors such as depression and substance abuse in LGB youth compared to their heterosexual peers. These associations between mood disorders are borne out by research studies (Malley, Posner, Potter, 2008). Also, LGB individuals often experience a lack of support at home and are deprived of positive environments in their schools due to avoidance or bullying. Within the LGB cohort certain factors can affect the risk of suicidality as well-for example the younger the age at which the individual di scloses sexuality the higher the risk of suicide. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2007), It has been widely reported that gay and lesbian youth are two to three times more likely to commit suicide than other youth and that thirty percent of all attempted or completed youth suicides are related to issues of sexual identity. The Suicide Prevention Resource Centre (2008) in the United States noted a 1.5 to 7 fold (depending on the study) increased risk of attempted suicide in LGB youth as compared to their heterosexual peers. A landmark study commissioned by the US Secretary of Health found that one third of all sexual minority youth suicides occur before the age of seventeen (Malley, Posner, Potter, 2008). Padilla, Crisp, and Rew (2010) found that in the adolescent population sexual minorities have a much higher rate of drug use with contributing factors including a greater number of psychological stressors and poor social networks. They also noted that when parents accepted the adolescents sexual orientation the impact of life stressors was decreased significantly. Buffering Effects Provided by Parental Support and Positive School Climate and Resilience As mentioned previously there is a greater prevalence of psychological problems and high risk behaviors in LGBT youth then in their heterosexual peers. These include mood disorders, suicidal thoughts and substance abuse. Espelage, Aragon, Birkett and Koenig (2008) and Poteat, Mereish, Di Giovanni Koenig(2011) highlighted the crucial role a support system plays in preventing psychiatric and other behavioral problems in LGBT youth. Two important and beneficial support networks identified were the first of which were communicative and empathic parents and the second affirming and healthy school environments. The presence of both these networks corresponded with a markedly reduced incidence of psychological problems, suicide and substance use compared to individual where there was a lack of these support systems. Parental support and acceptance also seems to foster resilience and improve coping skills. It appears from the review of relevant literature that contrary to popular perception and despite the efforts of most sections of the media as well as many social organizations, general and unconditional acceptance of LGBT individual remains the exception and not the norm. The alienation and stigmatization is achieved through both passive (social ostracization, not standing up for LGBT rights) and aggressive (violence and emotional homophobic bullying) means and is aggravated by the absence of a buffer against these assaults in the form of parental acceptance and positive school environments. These findings do not differ much from those of earlier studies or from studies of other minorities that face prejudices. We know that the problem exists and we have identified the enabling, aggravating and protective factors. What remains to be seen is whether society will show the will to follow words with actions. What may also be beneficial is to conduct larger studies with more statistical power so that the facts can be ascertained with a greater degree of confidence. Annotated Bibliography Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2011, May 19). Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender health. Retrieved April 3, 2012, from This website provides statistics on the prevalence of homophobic bullying in the schools. Since community psychology focuses on social issues and social institutions it is of particular interest to community psychologists that our sexual minority youth are facing harassment and violence at the hands of these social institutions such as schools, church and governmental organizations. Espelage, D.M. (2008). Addressing research gaps in the intersection between homophobia and bullying. School Psychology Review, 37 (2), 155-58. Homophobic bullying is a pressing and immediate problem facing our community since it affects adolescents who are members of a sexual minority group. One of the fundamental principles of Community psychology is a respect for diversity which includes race ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation and social class. Espelage, D. L., Aragon, S. R., Birkett, M., Koenig, B. W. (2008). Homophobic teasing, psychological outcomes, and sexual orientation among high school students: What influence does parents and schools have? School Psychology Review, 37(2), 202-216. Another fundamental principle of Community Psychology is ecological perspective and multiple levels of intervention. LGBT youth face an increased risk of mental and emotional problems as a result of stigmatization of their sexual orientation. It is of interest to the community psychologist that the youths positive parental (microsystem) and school (microsystem) involvement help as a buffer to negate the effects of stigmatization. McDermott, E., Roen, K., Scourfield, J. (2008). Avoiding shame: young LGBT people, homophobia and self-destructive behaviors. Culture, Health Sexuality, 10(8), 815-829. doi:10.1080/13691050802380974 Since community psychology focuses on social issues and social institutions it is of particular interest to community psychologists that our sexual minority youth are facing harassment and violence at the hands of these social institutions such as schools, church and governmental organizations. Padilla, Y. C., Crisp, C., Rew, D. (2010). Parental acceptance and illegal drug use among gay, lesbian, and bisexual adolescents: Results from a national survey. Social Work, 55(3), 265-275. Community psychologists are interested in the effects of social support on our youth. Since social support has been shown to promote and maintain physical and mental wellbeing and also helps in the development of resiliency in youth who are at risk such as the sexual minority youth. Poteat, V., Mereish, E. H., DiGiovanni, C. D., Koenig, B. W. (2011). The effects of general and homophobic victimization on adolescents psychosocial and educational concerns: The importance of intersecting identities and parent support. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 58(4), 597-609. doi:10.1037/a0025095 Another fundamental principle of Community Psychology is ecological perspective and multiple levels of intervention. LGBT youth face an increased risk of mental and emotional problems as a result of stigmatization of their sexual orientation. It is of interest to the community psychologist that the youths positive parental (microsystem) and school (microsystem) involvement help as a buffer to negate the effects of stigmatization. Rosario, M., Schrimshaw, E. W., Hunter, J., Gwadz, M. (2002). Gay-related stress and emotional distress among gay, lesbian and bisexual youths: A longitudinal examination. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 70(4), 967-975. doi:10.1037/0022-006X.70.4.967 Since community psychology focuses on social issues and social institutions it is of particular interest to community psychologists that our sexual minority youth are facing harassment and violence at the hands of these social institutions such as schools, church and governmental organizations. Suicide Prevention Resource Center. (2008). Suicide risk and prevention for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth. Newton, MA: Education Development Center, Inc. Community psychology advocates the importance of context and environment because our behaviors are governed by the expectations and demands of given situations. It is vital to study the social environment of the LGBT youth to figure out what interventions can be made in order to prevent suicide within this population.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Guidelines on Termination Letters :: essays papers

Guidelines on Termination Letters Termination Letters A type of â€Å"bad news message† which informs an employee that he is going to be terminated from his current job or position because of a particular reason. Reasons for Terminating an Employee:  · Poor performance of the employee  · Insubordination  · End of Project  · Financial Crisis in the Company  · Closure of Department or Division Do’s 1. Warn the employee beforehand – Make sure that the employee was given a warning that he may be terminated because of : his bad performance; or the financial condition of the company that may lead to the termination or lay-offs of its employees; closure of the department, etc. 2. Explain clearly and completely the reason for the termination - Be sure to state clearly why he is being terminated. –For example, a) because of bad conduct. (Give the specific incident, its witnesses on the particular incident/s. b) financial problems (Tell them straight to the pint that the company is experiencing that problem). The words you use should be clear and understandable, not too broad like the words â€Å"difficult†, etc. 3. Make comments that will retain goodwill – Writer should not write harsh words like â€Å"lazy†, just rephrase or use another better term for it. Remember that the employee should leave the relationship between the terminated employee and the firm as favorable as possible. 4. End with an encouraging note – Don’t dishearten the employee. Don’t state in the letter that because of his bad performance for example, he will have a hard time getting a job. 5. Make suggestion in finding a job, if possible – Suggest companies where he can apply for a job. This is also to encourage the reader of the letter. Don’ts (Avoid) 1. Don’t mislead the reader – Don’t mislead the reader into thinking that the letter

Friday, October 11, 2019

The Morning Of The Dolphins :: essays research papers

Taryn awoke to the buzzing of the alarm beside her bed. As her eyes adjusted to the morning light, she saw the tacky flowered wallpaper and smelled that smell of a room that had been cleaned thousands of times with the same Lysol cleaner. At first she couldn’t recollect where she was. After a few moments, Taryn remembered, she was at the Seaside Hotel. Her mother, father, and she had arrived at the little lived in hotel the night before after a 4-hour plane ride from Connecticut. Taryn loved Florida. She loved the heat, the sun, and, most of all, the ocean. The sound of Taryn’s mother’s voice brought her out of her sleepiness. â€Å"Taryn! For god’s sake, get up. You are on vacation, a good child would definitely be up and showered and ready to go by now,† Taryn sighed at this remark. All through her child hood she had listened to that same phrase â€Å"a good child would†¦Ã¢â‚¬  It was just one of her mother’s ways to get her motivated, but it never worked. â€Å"I’m going, I’m going. What is the rush anyway? I thought dad said we weren’t doing anything special, we were just going to be spontaneous today?† Taryn replied with a smirk. Her father always tried to make their family vacations more exciting, but it NEVER worked out. â€Å"You’ll see.† Her mother said, with one of her own little smirks. â€Å"Now get out of bed!!!† With a melodramatic sigh Taryn rolled over the side of the bed and drudged into the bathroom for a shower. She wondered to herself what her mom was up to. It was probably nothing, as usual. Taryn shoved the idea out of her mind and finished her shower and changed. Her dad walked into the hotel room as Taryn was brushing her long brown hair. â€Å"You ready yet kid?† he asked. He had a look on his face like he was up to something. â€Å"Okay! Tell me what is going on!† she shrieked with impatience. â€Å"Just get in the car and enjoy the ride,† he said, the look growing stronger. Taryn eagerly but cautiously obliged, throwing looks of curiosity at her father as they walked down the hall and got into the car. Her mother was already waiting, doing her makeup in the visor mirror. Taryn received another mischievous glance from her mother as she buckled her seatbelt. They drove for about 15 minutes, looking out at the glistening gulf water. The Morning Of The Dolphins :: essays research papers Taryn awoke to the buzzing of the alarm beside her bed. As her eyes adjusted to the morning light, she saw the tacky flowered wallpaper and smelled that smell of a room that had been cleaned thousands of times with the same Lysol cleaner. At first she couldn’t recollect where she was. After a few moments, Taryn remembered, she was at the Seaside Hotel. Her mother, father, and she had arrived at the little lived in hotel the night before after a 4-hour plane ride from Connecticut. Taryn loved Florida. She loved the heat, the sun, and, most of all, the ocean. The sound of Taryn’s mother’s voice brought her out of her sleepiness. â€Å"Taryn! For god’s sake, get up. You are on vacation, a good child would definitely be up and showered and ready to go by now,† Taryn sighed at this remark. All through her child hood she had listened to that same phrase â€Å"a good child would†¦Ã¢â‚¬  It was just one of her mother’s ways to get her motivated, but it never worked. â€Å"I’m going, I’m going. What is the rush anyway? I thought dad said we weren’t doing anything special, we were just going to be spontaneous today?† Taryn replied with a smirk. Her father always tried to make their family vacations more exciting, but it NEVER worked out. â€Å"You’ll see.† Her mother said, with one of her own little smirks. â€Å"Now get out of bed!!!† With a melodramatic sigh Taryn rolled over the side of the bed and drudged into the bathroom for a shower. She wondered to herself what her mom was up to. It was probably nothing, as usual. Taryn shoved the idea out of her mind and finished her shower and changed. Her dad walked into the hotel room as Taryn was brushing her long brown hair. â€Å"You ready yet kid?† he asked. He had a look on his face like he was up to something. â€Å"Okay! Tell me what is going on!† she shrieked with impatience. â€Å"Just get in the car and enjoy the ride,† he said, the look growing stronger. Taryn eagerly but cautiously obliged, throwing looks of curiosity at her father as they walked down the hall and got into the car. Her mother was already waiting, doing her makeup in the visor mirror. Taryn received another mischievous glance from her mother as she buckled her seatbelt. They drove for about 15 minutes, looking out at the glistening gulf water.

How to prevent Internet Addiction Essay

Internet Addiction is one of the most serious problems for all the teenagers; it will seriously affect your mental and physiological health. Have you ever been a person who has been addicted to the Internet social world? According to a research of US National Library Of Medicine National Institutes of States, 70% of teenagers in the state spent nearly six hours to surf the Internet per day. â€Å"Just we could have rode into the sunset, along came the Internet, and it tripled the significance of the PC† said Andy Grove. Have you ever been addicted to any Internet website or social media platform? The first Social media platform is called Geocities. It’s the first social media platform with web hosting service, originally founded by David Bohnett in late 1994. It has a simple blog structure. Users could upload photos and text among the blog. In October 16, 2009, The Geocities service in United State was shut down. There were at least 38 million people that were using Geocities before it shut down. After that, a lot of different social media website and platforms had started to build up. There are a lot of examples of social media platforms in the 21st Century. The most famous platforms are arguably Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr and Twitter. They actually have linked together; User can enjoy different kinds of features. For example, if you uploaded and edited a photo in Instagram, you can directly update your status or photos to the other social media platforms like Facebook. It is one of the reasons why people who have online addiction problems will always keep checking their status like â€Å"did anyone ‘like’ my photos? † and keep checking their electronic devices even they didn’t receive any notifications. According to professor Larry D. Rosen, this is a term called—i-disorder. To explain it in-detail and specifically, i-disorder is where you exhibit signs and symptoms of a psychiatric disorder such as OCD, narcissism, addiction or even ADHD, which are manifested through your use—or overuse of technology. Whether our use of technology makes us exhibit these signs or simply exacerbates our natural tendencies. Do you think you are an i-disorder? If yes, the following suggestion may help you a lot in prevent it. One of the best ways to prevent to become an i-disorder is to get a hobby that doesn’t involve the smartphone, computer or even TV and media player. It’s good to stay away from electric media products, because they may attract you easily. If you are a student, try to get involve with different school teams, clubs, music educations, dancing lessons or even go to church. Exercise should probably be the best way because while you exercising, your body will produce some hormones that help your health a lot in psychologically and physiologically. Also, try to go to bed on time and get a good night rest. Remind yourself; â€Å"don’t turn on your electricity device before or while you are going to sleep. Except school activities. † You can also join some local events in your community during holidays. There may be some useful talks, film screenings or concerts, which you will like it. If you are an athlete, ask someone to join local sporting events with you. Look for some different kind of extra curricular activities as long as they are not on the Internet and get involved. For teenagers who are having academic studies, remember to concentrate on your homework and studies. This is probably a great thing to do right away when you get home. Control yourself, don’t turn on the computer or you will not concentrate on your homework and studies. If you absolutely need resources, go to library and read books to do research instead of browsing Wikipedia or Google your resources; study lessons that you learnt first instead of turning on your computer and checking your online status. Sometimes, because of online addiction the relationship between you and your family will get worse. So, try to plan a family day with your family. For example, plan a picnic trip to get out of the city and grab some fresh air. Going shopping and having a great dinner with your family is an idea if you don’t like to go outskirts locations on family day. If you are seriously busy, at least to plan a family night. During dinnertime, chat more with your family instead of doing individual things especially using your smartphone to surf on social media platforms. After you help your parents with housework. It will totally make them happier instead of chatting online. Make some dessert or bake some cake one night for your family. Anything that gets you off the computer for a while will help and increase your confidence so that you can stay off even longer. To avoid online addiction, the most important should be self-discipline. The Internet is very important to our daily life; sometimes we can’t avert to surf the net, but we all know that unlimited timing in using the Internet is one of the keys that cause our addiction. So limit your time on using Internet. If you are using a laptop, you should put it somewhere that you can remember, but not somewhere you can see everyday and try to keep it close. The laptop will be attractable as a bunch of magnets if you keep it open with the monitor and keyboard. If you are using a desktop computer, try to stay over it or cover it. Control yourself to not to use it usually, and every time when you use your computer, remember to set an alarm clock to always remind yourself when you should stop. For example before you use it, decide on a time limit such as around 30 minutes. Make sure that you get off your computer when the time is up. In daily communications, prefer to call people instead of sending instant messages from different social media platforms or instant message applications like Whatsapp, Line and Wechat. If your friends are feeling free to do something with you, call them and ask them to hang out with you, maybe you could and play some basketball games, go to bowling alley, ice rink or mall, but remember to avoid places, which have free Internet access such as coffee shop or McDonald. Once you addicted to the in Internet, it will cause a lot of serious problems that can let you lose control and self-discipline. It can break down relationships between you, your family and friends. It also will affect your mental and physiological health.