Saturday, May 30, 2020

Enviornmental Issue impacting the United States - Free Essay Example

Introduction The environmental issue can be defined as the problems associated with the system of the planet as a result of human activities or involvement of mistreatment of the planet. In this essay I will be discussing the environmental issue that impacts the western United States, where I will be concerned with mining as an environmental matter, deeply I will be looking at the iron mountain mine Superfund site found in a county known as Shasta in northern California, its impacts on both earth and humankind, the steps being enforced to do away with this problem and lastly my points of view and the opinions that I have on this environmental issue. ( Wright, Richard 2016).. According to the history, the iron mountain is the biggest copper producing site in the whole world, also ranked as the first in California and the six copper production site in the United States. In the course of its operations, it was realized that it contained not only copper but also other minerals like silver, gold, zinc, and iron sulfide was also found. (Jamieson, Robinson, Alpers at al. 2005).   However, after a period of active mining at the iron, there emerged an environmental documented effect that led to the killing of fish in the river which was known as Sacramento, then this was subsequently followed by massive pollution of air which came from open air roasting heap and also the smelters which stripped on the vegetation. The pollution increased hand in hand with the increase in mining operations. Thus acidic water flowed down Sacramento River leading to killing of fish and also contaminating the water from the river which was used by the people for drinking purpose, th ereby leading to release of uncontrollable of iron mountain acid drainage which could threatened the quality of drinking water supply being ranked as the most hazardous mining site in the world. There are emergency activities and five longstanding remedies stages focusing on management of water, and the cleaning up of chief foundations in Boulder Creek, area source AMD releases and residues. The initial action is Emergency Actions which states that lime neutralization procedure was fixed at site in order to treat the acid mine explosion from the reservoir.( Nordstrom, 2009) This structure always worked out by EPA throughout the winter which had a rainy season till possibly answerable get-together, functioned under the same system throughout the rainy seasons. The second water management was doing cleaning ongoing, in the same case, EPA went ahead and carefully chosen its remedies elaborating some regions concerning the water Management zone. Its actions consisted of covering the designated fractured as well as it conceded ground choices, averting disinfected the Higher Slick rock Creek marine round the discarded rock and also the mining   tailing heaps, to divert Higher Sp ring Creek; diverting the fresh superficial water in Southern part of Fork Spring Creek goal, broadening the Spiral Creek fragments wall for water storing, and carrying out hydro geologic trainings and the field-scale test protests to well defining one’s possibility used for generating the acid mining drain development. The demos of Educations and piloting remained accomplished, then EPA winded up covering the broken plus yielded earth zones also open pit for mining on the mountain called Iron Mountain. In addition, EPA also finalized digression on the Slick Rock Creek. Then Rhone-Poulenc finished building of the Upper Spring Creek deviation. However, EPA did not construct any among the two action as it was state in the plan they had planned not fabricated in South fork of Spring Creek Change together with expansion of Spring Creek Debris reservoir. In addition, it anticipated an alternate tactic of treating that abolished the demands for these water managing actions. EPA als o strong-minded that a â€Å"barrier together with the treat† curative methodology which existed exactly realistic for the Slickrock Creek area basis and the AMD emancipations for an important drop especially where there was IMM area causes of AMD liberations highly desirable compared to the one wished-for South Fork of Spring Creek deviation or else expansion wall built.. According to   Richmond Mine and Lawson Tunnel on the issue of AMD Ejections, EPA winded up its training of the natural occurrence and range in main opinion cause of impure foundations as in the Boulder Creek Watershed. Then EPA designated temporary tonic to make acidic mines draining ejections, the Richmond Mine and Lawson Tunnel by building, gathering as well as transmission of structures, and a lime counterbalancing action plant. The cure plant was constructed and has been operating and it will carry on, till another remedying may perhaps be established to ensure recuperating of metallic or also regulate the releases, to promise conferencing every clear-out goalmouths.  Afterwards, EPA considered High Density Sludge (HDS) variations onto usage of plan as the costs aired modest mix course and made them to accomplished making of the needed reserve packing of accommodations. Moreover, Brick Flat Quarry dam was elevated towards establishment of thirty years period where storing vo lume curing mud. Amendment to the HDS progression has a compacted the amount of cure of sludge formed by an influence of above fifty percent. Ancient Mine AMD Releases, there have been awareness creation natural occurrence and pollution degree that expulsions from the excavation seep which starts from the ancient mine. The EPA chose the acting cleaning and preparation, this comprised of amassing and curing acid to protect aquatic life and also drainage exonerations from the bases involved. An assemblage as well as transmission in the structure, and a treating it stay put up and treating these AMD discharges since year 1994. In addition to that, the Slickrock Creek zone Basis of these AMD releases where, completion of the part of its learning about the fauna as well as the magnitude of the capacity font, causing AMD release from the Slickrock Creek drainage found at IMM. As far as EPA was concerned, it looked at the remedy that dependent much on collecting and treating the polluted Slickrock Creek movements to create a significant surplus control of both IMM as well as AMD expulsions. According to EPA body it finalized trea ting clean water interruption scheme, this was large sedimentation sink, exterior water reins, minor earth fill mound barrage, as well as conveying channel to guarantee both the collecting and treating of the dirty releases towards the prevailing management plant. Negligible reforms to the IMM cure plant were essential for implementation, also facilitated treating effort. In the Spring Creek Arm of Keswick Lake Residues, additionally to accomplishment, it’s the studying of the natural surroundings and point of pollution which was allied with deposits down gradient of IMM as they are situated in the Spiral Creek Support of Keswick Pool. Then EPA carefully chosen a tonic that offers ransacking both copper and zinc polluted residues from the Spiral Stream Support of Keswick Basin. In 2008, it started building of the first phase of the tidying act by making structures of admitting roadways and clearance of discarding booth zone. EPA anticipates to winding up the building the infrastructural schemes as well as accomplishing polluted residue scouring procedures which has been succeeding 3 towards 4 years. The remedying was applied in the commencement in fall and accomplished three years later. Initial level involved of right of entry to road building, together with doing away with borrowing a pit zone as well as curbed dumping of capacity footmark. The next point comprised of the removal of many patches of deposit as a result of hydraulic rummaging, handling of residue by way of emerald, coagulant together with the polymers together with posting. The last stage consisted CDF termination, elimination of residue from the Twisting Creek Debris Barrier channel together with subduing lake as well as the execution in long term. ( Nordstrom, Alpers, 1995) Furthermore, the rock Creek Zone Cause AMD Liberations, the EPA carries on to accumulate statistics in order to illustrate the countryside and range of Rock Stream zone origin of AMD releases. Thereby EPA is enduring and studying the potential helpful approaches better of area origin of AMD expulsion from the Boulder Creek drainage. EPA tidy the hypothetically accountable persons to apply the backup reply in right measures to do away with the metal contamination. In 1990, beneath Directorial Command, demanded the get-togethers for gadget in the Upper Spring Creek alteration clear-out deed. Later, it commanded for actually accountable revelries to accept obligation in operating together with maintaining accomplished cleaning activities. More so EPA demanded for the possibly accountable festivities in order for perception the cure system for the Boulder Creek Crisis. EPA gave an order for potentially in control get-togethers for contravening the assortment and conduct of organization for the acid mine drainage releases at places of Ancient Mine. According to my research, I found that there emerged some impacts from the mining of copper on the iron mountain in California that affected human beings and on the earth. Starting with its Impacts on mankind, we find that the mining activities released harmful chemicals from machines, these products were deposited in the main river that was normally used by many people for their basic purposes such as drinking, washing, and cooking. This led to contamination of the water causing it to be acid, this accelerated to the formation of acidic water which was harmful for human consumption and also killing of aquatic life. Also, the machines released a lot of smoke and dangerous gases to the atmosphere, these gases led to pollution of air thus leading to the outbreak of diseases associated with harmful gases. This water could also not make it possible for growing vegetables and crops by human beings, this left them in a situation of hopelessness since they couldn’t cultivate their fo od for own consumption. On the other hand the copper mining on Iron Mountain also had some effects on the earth, first led to reduction of underground water, this is because during excavation process all the nearby water wells had to be drained so that the process could be successful, this could result in the lack of water and eventually drought. It also led to the creation of a bad image of the land where the mining process was taking, this was a result of the holes which were dug in order to reach the minerals. Furthermore, it led to soil erosion, the mining areas were mostly left unfilled back to their original position, and this fueled the occurrence of some forms of soil erosion. Moreover, it led to collapsing of the sites were mining took place, when some disasters like earthquakes and heavy thunderstorms, this easily led to collapsing since the building rocks that strengthens the earth were being destroyed when the excavation was in the process aiming at getting the minerals.( Nordstrom, Alpers 1999 ). The above challenges had to be solved by using some strategies, then remediation struggles started with the winding up of Spring Creek Basin, it proposed avoidance of mine deposit from inflowing to Keswick Pool in addition to that, it focused on controlling the capacity of mine drainage getting in destined to the Sacramento River. This led to solitary slightly operational, as well as episodic occasions of harmfulness to the river persistent. Later RWQCB commenced with the application of actions in contradiction of the existing mine holders, Iron Mining Mountain developed the EPA Superfund Spot. Several years of spot valuation, more hearing, in addition, an alternate scheme plan shadowed. There was the construction of a lime counterbalancing cure plant which was used for bringing together and indulgence entire removal after excavation’s concealed mechanisms that are Richmond and Lawson Tunnel portals, excellently abolishing a biggest cause acid together with metal release. Othe r many schemes were also accomplished during that period, they included, averting clean water all over the place of the mine workings, close up the unwanted rock and tailings heaps, and fabricating an enormous basin on Slickrock Creek to accumulate drawn-out mineral waste then convey it to curing plant. Then a concluding corrective element being finished over the year two thousand and ten., that convoluted rummaging plus elimination of contaminated residue which had gathered in the Spring Creek arm of Keswick Reservoir. In addition to that, the air pollution which occurred as a result of combustion of the fuels in the mining machines could also be controlled, this was taken through by ensuring that the exhaust pipes of the machines in which combustion occurred, were fixed with some reagents which to ensure that the poisonous air released to the atmosphere was treated and be free from causing the dangers which it had being causing in the past. Also by recycling the waste from the mining sites had to be done where possible, this could avoid the dangers caused by the discharge of its waste into the river that supplied the people of Shasta County with water and also saving the aquatic life. The issue could also be solved by ensuring that the mining sites are filled with soil in order to avoid the risk of collapsing when strong earthquakes and storms occur, by taking this into consideration, the hazards which occur in such places are adequately solved and they won’t occur again. In addition to that the laws that protect the land should also be enforced and ensure the companies responsible for mining are aware of them, therefore they should do their work as they are abiding by those laws and in case they go against the laws they must bear the consequences. According to my view and conviction, this environmental issue has many hazards, like in mining we obtain valuable substance but also we create a room for disasters, therefore it is good to know how to prevent the risks which might occur after mining, subsequently, if a certain risk has occurred appropriate means should be used to eradicate them in the best way possible without causing another hazardous problem especially when it is something concerned to the health of human beings, the treatment like the one in of lime utilization of acidic water, it should not harm the human in terms of their health. Conclusion The efforts of EPA in ensuring that the issue of Impacts of mining follow a sequence for them to be achieved, it is put clear in the last part that, the results for the fitting and operating the complete scale counterbalancing system, the topping of areas of mining, and the building and the deed of the Slickrock Creek Retaining Reservoir for collection of impure overflow for cure have ominously abridged the acidic and metallic pollution in apparent water at Iron Mountain Mine site. These Onslaught deeds remain ongoing, the extra readings are on progress. Deviation of Upper Spring Creek devours critically improved capability of the Government department of Repossession and cope with the ongoing discharged pollutants on or after the place of diminishing destruction in Sacramento River system till the last cure could lead to chosen them instigated.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Essay on Role of Penelope in Homers Odyssey - 788 Words

The Role of Penelope in Homers Odyssey The character of Penelope in Homers Odyssey has served as an archetype of femininity proper. Her physical attributes, while comely by even the most demanding standards, are veiled. Her intellectual attributes are veiled too. She seems more often than not to wear a veil of tears (for her man) or a veil of silence (for her own wishes), or ineptitude (in her dealings with her son). She is certainly no Helen. She is not flaunting or whore-ish. She is not unconcerned with the needs of others, nor flippant about marital bonds, nor the loyalty of her heart. She does not steal the show, as Helen does time and again when she upstages her husband (who, by the way, may be a bumbler in the presence of his†¦show more content†¦In this essay, I explore the possibility that Penelopes veil is a source of her presence/power. In particular, I explore the way Penelopes veiled intellectual attributes cover her deliberate mind, but not completely. As any good veil will do, Penelopes makes hazy t he being and form underneath. It does not darken completely though. If we look with imagination and respect upon the veiled light of being and form, we might find another kind of power, equal to the glaring light of masculine power that Homer shows and tells us about in Odysseus, but far less overbearing. Far more alluring. I pursue the idea that while Penelope faces oppression at the hands of her son, her suitors, and her social obligation to remarry, she remains free and powerful. Both her freedom and power are manifest in her cunning and deliberate ways. I argue that this is the manifestation of a femininity characteristic to her, and to the tradition of misogyny. Her deliberation marks her presence/power/femininity not despite her veil but because of it. When she tricks her suitors by unraveling Laertes shroud after each day at her loom, when she tests Odysseus with questions about their bed, when she announces the contest of the bow, when she refuses to recognize Telemachus impending adulthood, she shows, in veiled ways, her deliberate nature, her presence/power/femininity. To account for how I move from absence to presence from impotence to power and from the first kind ofShow MoreRelatedEssay about The Role of Penelope in Homers Odyssey1100 Words   |  5 Pages    Odysseuss wife, Penelope plays a very important role in Homers Odyssey.   She provides the motivation for Odysseuss return to Ithaca.   She is also the center of the plot involving the suitors and the fate of Telemakos and Ithaca itself.   The objective of this essay is to analyze the important role of Penelope in Odyssey.     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Penelope is the reason for Odysseuss return to Ithaca.   He is driven throughout his entire journey to go back and see his wife.   He turns down immortalityRead MoreThe Odyssey, by Homer Essay1150 Words   |  5 PagesHomer’s Odyssey was written around 700 BC. During this time there was major social and economic change, which brought the development of new cities, as well as new laws to govern them. 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Saturday, May 16, 2020

The Novel Of Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee - 1536 Words

1. The title of the novel is To Kill a Mockingbird. 2. The author of the novel is Harper Lee. 3. The genre of the novel is realistic fiction. 4. The book is told from the first person point of view. 5. To Kill a Mockingbird is set in Maycomb County which is located in Alabama. The events occur during the 1930’s during the early years of the Great Depression. A. The author uses time and place very effectively. However, time seems to slow during the course of the story. The seasons meld into another and one can forget that the novel spans the events of three years. The people of Maycomb do not seem to take much interest in the happenings outside of their own little world, which makes it difficult to put the events into perspective. B.†¦show more content†¦Atticus is appointed by Judge Taylor to represent Tom Robinson in a local trial. Robinson is accused of sexually harassing Mayella Ewell. Although the odds are not in his favor, he does his best to make sure that the trial is fair. During the trial, Atticus soon points out that Mayella and her father, Bob, are lying. It was actually Bob Ewell who beat Mayella, but due to the jury’s decision, Tom Robinson was sentenced to prison. Tom is shot and killed while escaping prison which causes Jem to question the unfairness of it all. Bob Ewell feels insulted by the happenings of the trial and vows to get revenge on Atticus. He eventually attacks Scout and Jem on their way home on Halloween from their school pageant. Boo Radley saves the children and carries them home. Afterwards, it is decided that Bob Ewell simply fell on his own knife and Scout offers to walk Boo home. 7. Opening Scene A. The opening scene starts at the ending. It starts where the very last scene finishes. Jem has broken his arm and argues with Scout over the source of problems that rose up over the past few years. Scout also gives a brief history on her family and how they came to be in Maycomb. B. The importance of the opening scene is that it introduces the characters and gives the impression that Scout is recalling the events that happened. It introduces the setting of

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Symptoms And Treatment Of Bipolar Disorder - 1274 Words

Discussion In conclusion, Ben Tang was diagnosed with bipolar II disorder indicated by DSM-5 at age 47. He experienced symptoms such as feeling depressed, suicidal thoughts, and worthlessness in depressive episodes. He experienced symptoms such as racing mind, trouble falling asleep, and committing reckless behaviors in hypomanic episodes. It can be challenging to live with bipolar disorder because the symptoms can be hard to deal with. There are several ways to manage bipolar disorder, include medications, support group, and persistent meetings with psychological and pharmacological professionals with treatment options. It is very difficult to find the perfect treatment at the early stage of disorder. It takes time to find the treatment†¦show more content†¦He was seen by many specialized professionals and led him to understand more about his disorder. He is no longer embarrassed by the fact that he has bipolar disorder and keeping a positive attitude. A lot of people with mental diso rder symptoms refuse to get treated because of the social stigma. It is not a good trend and people should be educated with a positive attitude toward any kind of disorders. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed.; DSM–5; American Psychiatric Association, 2013) is most commonly used by clinicians and health professionals for the classification of mental disorders. The DSM-5 defines bipolar disorder as a mix of different mental disorders, which may include manic episode, hypomanic episode, major depressive episode, and mixed episode (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). The DSM-5 defines manic episode is a distant period of abnormally and persistently elevated, expansive, or irritable mood and abnormally and persistently increased goal-directed activity or energy that last at least one week. The symptoms in a manic episode include inflated self-esteem, decreased need for sleep, more talkative than usual, racing ideas, distractibility, increase in goal-directed activity, excessive involvement in activities that have a high potential for painful consequences. The symptoms in a hypomanic episode are similar to the symptoms of manic episode, except with less duration and intensity.

The Development And Application Of Crispr For Genome...

Every year approximately 4 million babies are born, of those 4 million babies about 3 to 4% are born with a genetic disorder or a birth defect. Imagine, if our doctors and scientist were able to develop a mechanism to that would allow alterations in the genome of these children and adults alike. Dating back to 1987, such mechanism was first described by Dr. Yoshizumi Ishino while he was studying Escherichia coli or E.coli (ISHINO et al., 1987). This newly discovered system is called CRISPR, which stands for clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats. Currently, many biotech companies are beginning in for the development and application of CRISPR for genome engineering. What is CRISPR? As mentioned above it is the clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats, which are segments of DNA that have short repetitions of base sequences. Each repetition is followed by short segment, which is referred to as spacer DNA. CRISPR is actually found in bacteria and archa ea and occurs naturally. Turns out CRISPR is part of the immune systems for bacteria, in those spacer DNAs are store genetic information of viruses that have attacked the bacteria. CRISPR has the ability to capture and store genetic information from invading viruses and use it as template in order to fight off the virus. Along with CRISPR, they have enzymes called CRISPR-associated (Cas) that aid CRISPR in destroying any recognizable virus. The mechanism for CRISPR/Cas goes through thisShow MoreRelatedBiotechnology : Genetic Optimization Of Plant Genome And Development Of Biofuel1096 Words   |  5 PagesBiotechnology: Genetic Optimization of Plant Genome and Development of Biofuel On the basis of reverse engineering and reconstruction, the application of CRISPR-Cas technology in the realm of biotechnology remains predominantly in following directions: optimizing agricultural crops, researching plant genome, and developing sustainable and accessible biofuel which relies on the exploration of new biological pathways in algae and corn (Hsu, Lander, Zhang, 2014; Jacobs, LaFayette, Schmitz, Parrott,Read MoreDelivery Of The Cas Components1306 Words   |  6 PagesDelivery of CRISPR-Cas Components: CRISPR systems are generally delivered in the cell using normal methods of transfection such as microinjection, gene gun, electroporation, sonoporation, and using viruses such as adenoviruses and lentiviruses. 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Effective Solution To The Problem Of Employee Absenteeism at AKC

Question: Discuss about the Effective Solution To The Problem Of Employee Absenteeism. Answer: Introduction The discussion deals with the architectural firm AKC, which is a medium sized organization in the inner suburbs of Melbourne. Although the members has a good performance in terms of productivity and possess a good staff morale, work environment is facing too much of absenteeism of the employees of the firm. According to the Human Resource review, the majorities of the office staffs are married and have children. Therefore, they have to stay back at home frequently to look after their children and family when they are sick or to attend their childrens school related activities. The purpose of the report is to analyze the issue and find a suitable solution to this. Discussion In order to resolve the pointed out issue, an urgent investigation is necessary. The Accountant of the firm has to arrange a solution efficiently so that the productivity of the company is not hampered. The company should develop the strategy in such a way that the staff motivation is intact and the loss in productivity minimized (Leung and Zhang 2017). The various points that are to be covered during investigation is shown in the below headings: Existence of various software that would facilitate Work from Home of employees Telecommunicating software is needed to carry on with the process. The workers sitting at home can communicate with their supervisor, make the architectural structures, and do their official work. Software like team viewer can be installed where the progress of the work can be supervised and managed by many at the same time (Davies and Frink 2014). Need for purchasing additional resources for facilitating Work from Home The firm needs to provide their employees, in order to facilitate flexile working individual laptops so that they can carry it home and work from there (Barber and Jenkins 2016). The team viewer software must be installed in the laptops so that the work is smooth and there is no confusion. Cost saving of the firm The analysis made in terms of cost saving if the work from home. If the employees are working from the office overhead is much reduced. Moreover, there is no cost of transportation and office refreshment (Adkins and Premeaux 2014). Fixed costs like the electricity, accommodation cost and administration cost is reduced. Thus, the flexible working system along with the employee, economically benefits the employer. Need for educating the employees A special training program must be conducted to efficiently educate the employees so that they can effectively engage in office work without any confusion. The staffs should also know how to use the team viewer software and the telecommunication process so that they are continuously in touch with the supervisor at office and at the same time balance work with family (Bloom Liang, Roberts and Ying 2014). Standard working hours The standard working hours should be more than that of the regular employees as the time for travelling from home to office is saved and thus, the worker can devote more time in work. The standard working hours for employees is 38 hours per week; staffs working from home can easily devote more two hours per day that is 52 hours pr working week. Processes to prevent the workers from taking advantage of the flexible working system The worker working a may be reluctant for and take attention of this flexible working system there is lack of continuous supervision by the supervisor. Therefore, the an online portal must be set for each of the staff so that whether they are on site or not can be seen when the employee logs in the their attendance is recorded (Bodhani et al. 2016). Web cam can also be installed so that they can be supervised face to face through camera. The technique to ensure whether the employees are on site or not Web cam can be installed so that they can be supervised face to face through camera. Online portal log in can also show whether they are online or not. Benefits of the Work from home process From both the employee employers point of view the different hidden like the cost of commuting, regular wear and tear of recourses, taxes and other indirect costs are reduced and there the work life becomes flexible. The office staff can effectively balance family life with work and can enjoy a great job satisfaction. Moreover, there is no distraction like conflicts with co-worker and supervisor (Albouy 2016). The conduct is systematic and is of less stress leading to more productivity. The procedures can also positively effect on the health of the office staffs. Limitations of the flexible working system The various problems faced from work from home are as follows: Isolation: The absence of co-workers and supervisor may make the employee suffer from isolation. In case of confusion or need of help, the employee may suffer. Moreover, the work environment is missing at home. Distraction: The temptation to engage one-self in household chores and maters may distract the staff. Moreover, constant intervention of family and other personal issues affect the quality of work. It is essential to draw line between home and work. More work: the working hours is much more in case of work from home facility. There is lack of supervision and it consists of strict hours, therefore the pressure is much more Need for high self-discipline: The environment of home is different from that of an office, while a staff is working in office should posses a high self-discipline quality so that their productivity is not hampered. They are getting an extra benefit from office, to help them regulate their personal matter they should not misuse that (Mihm and Ozbek 2016). Conclusion The workers are the assets of an organization. In order to motivate them and provide then with job satisfaction work from home facility is trending. This helps the staffs to balance the work life along with their personal life effectively. The workers have home, family and duties that are necessary for them to perform. Work from home enables them to easily provide the company with output and mange household during emergency. Recommendation In order to find out an effective solution to the problem of absenteeism of the workers, Work from Home facility is highly recommended for the organizations. This can make the work environment more flexible and the company can enjoy production along with employee job satisfaction. References Adkins, C.L. and Premeaux, S.A., 2014. The use of communication technology to manage work-home boundaries.Journal of Behavioral and Applied Management,15(2), p.82. Albouy, D., 2016. What are cities worth? Land rents, local productivity, and the total value of amenities.Review of Economics and Statistics,98(3), pp.477-487. Barber LK, Jenkins JS.,2016. Creating technological boundaries to protect bedtime: Examining workhome boundary management, psychological detachment and sleep. Stress and Health. 2014 Aug 1;30(3):259-64. Bloom, N., Liang, J., Roberts, J. and Ying, Z.J., 2014. Does working from home work? Evidence from a Chinese experiment.The Quarterly Journal of Economics,130(1), pp.165-218. Bodhani, A.R., Suryavanshi, M., Medema, J. and Fuldeore, M., 2016. Impact of erosive hand osteoarthritis on work productivity among patients in The United States.Osteoarthritis and Cartilage,24, p.S234. Davies, A.R. and Frink, B.D., 2014. The origins of the ideal worker: The separation of work and home in the United States from the market revolution to 1950.Work and Occupations,41(1), pp.18-39. Leung, L. and Zhang, R., 2017. Mapping ICT use at home and telecommuting practices: A perspective from work/family border theory.Telematics and Informatics,34(1), pp.385-396. Mihm, M. and Ozbek, K., 2016. A Model of Self-Discipline.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Investigating the Internal Factors of Organization

Question: Describe about the Investigating the Internal Factors of Organization. Answer: Organizational and Management for Australia Fare are as follows:- Organization- According to Paul, he needs a staff of eight people. The staff needs to be hired will include a front house manager, two chefs, and five waiting staff. For hiring process, Paul will personally select candidates as per the requirements of the restaurant. Australia Fare is a restaurant that serves authentic Australian food. Thus, it is necessary that the hired staffs, especially the chefs are well-aware of the cuisine. An effective interview process needs to be designed to staff the restaurant with efficient and dedicated people for each position. Each candidate will be evaluated and rated according to the pre-designed and defined set of standards. Checking of background and references provided by the candidates will be done to check the authenticity of the applicant. Recruitment efforts will move around the referrals (Aminzadeh Adibpour, 2016). Management- Australia Fare is owned by Paul. He has a lot of experience as he has worked in the variety of hospitality venues all around the Australia. This has given him a lot of ideas, understanding, and knowledge of Australian cuisine and other cuisines influenced by it. This is the reason that he selected to serve Australian cuisine in his restaurant. His knowledge makes him the best person to take over as General Manager of the restaurant. Another person will be hired as the staff house manager who will have the experience of running a restaurant with the similar capacity and holds a good record of serving in hospitality field (Binder, 2016). Environmental and Social Impacts Environmental impact- Knowing the environmental factors and their impacts are very important. It includes the external and internal factors that affect an organization. To assess the impact of the external factors all the factors like government rules, legislation, competition, food trends etc. need to be analyzed. Though external factors cannot be controlled wholly, still some steps could be taken to minimize their effects. For internal environmental factors, SWOT Analysis will help Paul in the best way. It will be telling the positives of the restaurant that is the strengths and opportunities and negatives of the restaurant by the threats and weaknesses. Working on weaknesses and threats will improve the working and profitability of the restaurant. Opportunities can be use for the benefit of the restaurant (Greenberg, 2014). Social impact- each country has their unique socio-culture. It is important to follow that to achieve success. Here Paul is opening a restaurant that displays the food culture of a country. It becomes very important that everything about the social and cultural activities of Australia is known by Paul and other staff-members of the restaurant. Analysis of the culture and social life of Australian people and communities will help in achieving success and serving the authenticity in the restaurant. Though Paul is well-aware of the culture of Australia as he has worked in many parts of Australia, it is important to learn whatever one can find about the local community and their life and culture (Fedosova, 2015). Risk Factors and Regulatory Compliance Risk Factors The factors that can prove negative for the functioning of the restaurant and needs to be considered beforehand are as follows:- Inadequate Funds- there is a lot of difference in the planning and the practicality. The budget decided for the project may vary from the plans, due to various expected or unexpected reasons. Also, it is not necessary that the restaurant starts earning profit from day one. It may have to struggle even to get the expenses covered. Thus, it becomes necessary to have adequate funding for several months ahead (Huang, 2010). Demanding workload- opening a restaurant is a demanding job. One has to work through day and night to make a dream come true. The demanding workload may lead to demoralization, which affects the working of the person. Location- getting a perfect place for a restaurant is very important, because it may act as a major risk especially in the hospitality business (Kaplan, 2006). Regulatory Compliance The rules and regulations need to follow while running and opening a restaurant are as follows:- Zoning- It is very important for the restaurant owner to find out the legal obligations need to be filled for a particular zone while opening restaurants. There are many zones like a commercial, residential, official, etc. each zone has its unique legal requirements. It is important to find out the legal obligations required to fill out of the zone where Australia Fare is opening. Licensing- For selling food one has to get the license to do so and also keep a check on the quality and grade of food he is serving (Kavanagh, 2014). Corporate Governance The rule, practices, processes, and system by which a company is controlled and directed is known a Corporate Governance. It involves the interest of stakeholders which includes the management, customers, financiers, government, and community. In the case of Pauls restaurant the corporate governing body will be Paul himself. He will act as the corporate body that will set the goals for the company for the benefit of all the stakeholders (Polit, 2012). He will be encompassing every sphere of management required to run the restaurant. He will be making all the action plans and implement them. If he has hired help to look after the process, then he can make him implement the plan decided by him is best for the restaurant. The measurement of the performance of the help, the implementation of the plan, and the disclosure of the corporation are to be done by Paul. It will be Pauls decision to handover some of his duties to his staff members. This will help him to look after each aspect of the company (Roessner, 2014). Here governance refers to the set of controls, policies, rules and regulations that are put in place to maintain the corporate behavior. All the stakeholders affect the governance of an organization. The major role in governance and decision were taken in governance is played by the board of directors, which in this case is Paul (Tiwari Winters, 2016). References Aminzadeh, S. Adibpour, M. (2016). Investigating the Internal Factors of Organization Affecting the Banks Risk.IOSR Journal Of Economics And Finance,07(04), 115-120. Binder, C. (2016). Integrating Organizational-Cultural Values With Performance Management.Journal Of Organizational Behavior Management,36(2-3), 185-201. Fedosova, R. (2015). Assessment of risk factors affecting on the stability on the organization.Effective Crisis Management, (6), 100. Greenberg, M. (2014). Serialization: Benefits Beyond Regulatory Compliance.Therapeutic Innovation Regulatory Science,48(6), NP22-NP27. Huang, C. (2010). Corporate governance, corporate social responsibility and corporate performance.Journal Of Management Organization,16(05), 641-655. Kaplan, R. (2006). How to implement a new strategy without disrupting your organization.Strategic Direction,22(8). Kavanagh, D. (2014). Talking Organization.Organization Management Journal,11(1), 3-3. Polit, S. (2012). The Organizational Impacts of Managing Social Marketing Interventions.Social Marketing Quarterly,18(2), 124-134. Roessner, U. (2014). The election process for the Board of Directors of the Metabolomics Society: call for nomination of new board directors.Metabolomics,10(3). Tiwari, R. Winters, J. (2016). The death of strategic plan: questioning the role of strategic plan in self-initiated projects relying on stakeholder collaboration.International Planning Studies, 1-11.